Genie offers u 125K cash money OR fixes economy (dow 15K, unemp 3.5%, med sal. 88K nation wide

Fixed economy... if the MEDIAN salary is 88k, given the position I'm in I should be substantially ahead of that. I would have earned the $125k in littlemore than a year, and the overall standard of living would have risen as well. For this to be a truly trying decision you should make it like $1mil orsomething.
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Fixed economy... if the MEDIAN salary is 88k, given the position I'm in I should be substantially ahead of that. I would have earned the $125k in little more than a year, and the overall standard of living would have risen as well. For this to be a truly trying decision you should make it like $1mil or something.

half the people are already taking the money, if I made it anything above 300K 90% would take the money and a mil? come'on, we're talking about humanshere.
Yea, but logically, you have substantially more to gain from the fixed economy than the $ theory my dude.
Sure, but I'm willing to bet a lot of people here are students that really wouldn't gain all that much immediately. And those that would wouldn'treally consider the long term benefit of a strong economy (125K in a ****storm vs substantially greater lifetime earning with a resounding economy)
Take the money and give it people that need more than Americans, plus I think the economies Barack's Job
What impalaballa said. That 125k would be earned in no time. If you give $125k and keep in a bad economy where I can't get a job, I'm screwed.
screw the economy, SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! YO dont believe the hype, they same way they were painting this horrible picture when gas was $4, everyone was like OhMy God, Gas will be 5 bux and up blah blah blah, now look at gas, all cats need to do is raise middle class salaries, but God forbid we look out for theAmerican people.
You could have at least used $15 million. It would have been moreinteresting.
Funny on how I was just doing a question similar to this on my exams yesterday.

Can you give me the rate of increase from 85k 2-3 years from now?

for the short term the 125k makes sense but long term, depending on the rate of increase, I'll take 85k.
Originally Posted by gambit215

screw the economy, SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! YO dont believe the hype, they same way they were painting this horrible picture when gas was $4, everyone was like Oh My God, Gas will be 5 bux and up blah blah blah, now look at gas, all cats need to do is raise middle class salaries, but God forbid we look out for the American people.

Current gas prices are a direct result of a ###! economy. The prices are down because people don't have money and demand is down, not because the problemswith oil as a limited and finite resource has been fixed. If and when the economy recovers we'll be back to the 4 dollar gallon problem.
Wouldn't massive inflation come with the increased salary and low unemployment? Companies need to get that money somehow... Soon that 88K salary turns intojust what the average salary was before - average.

Unless it's a supply increase that causes the raised salaries, but thats a huge jump to 88K.
$125K is chump change in a crappy economy. Average houses in the Bay Area are around $300K -$500K

if you do pick $125K, i say your selfish, because you could have just helped MILLIONS of Americans and in turn even help the Global economy.

if the price was around $1milllion to $5million, then it would be tempting to keep that. i still have to think about it at that price.

if the price was $5 Million and up, I would definitely take that. i would invest in cheap stocks and i know eventually the economy will go up again.
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