Georgia mom arrested for letting her 10 year old get a RIP tattoo..if she consented, why the uproar?

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by bay1591

*in b4 thread turns into a debate on racism*

From a parenting point of view, why? If the kids asks for a gun, is she going to give him one just because he is a kid? Just bad parenting
Son is really comparing giving a child a gun to a tattoo 
. Questionable decision by the parent, but not that serious. Kids get dumb tattoos all the time, only difference is this one a little younger. Unless she personally did the tattoo I don't see how that law they brought up places her in jail. Also to all you dudes talking about how awful this is, can you really say whats awful about it? I understand dude is too young to understand the magnitude of permanently marking his body (like any teen) but what she's saying is true, son didn't go out and put spongebob on himself, it's something that truly meant something to him. 
ok thats an extreme example i used but just because the kid wanted it doesnt mean she had to give in...she said it herself in the video. I understand he wanted to honor his dead brother but was a tattoo the only option?
Originally Posted by here 4 tha kickz

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by MoonMan818


He got a tattoo in remembrance of his dead brother.
i'm saying, his mom thought it was legal and the tattoo artist did it. this 10 year old had a better idea than half the adults that get them.  i don't see the problem.
qft, i co sign.


why the hell should the tattoo artist get arrested?
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Blown so out of proportion. You've got to look at the culture, apparently the mom sees nothing wrong with tattoos and tons of kids want to do what their parents do. How is this different from getting babies ears pierced?

And I highly doubt that they went to a licensed artist.

Well, getting your ears pierced isn't permanent. Granted you can get tattoos removed these days...but the cost is immense, requires multiple sessions, and there is always the possibility of scarring. 
Originally Posted by here 4 tha kickz

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by MoonMan818


He got a tattoo in remembrance of his dead brother.
i'm saying, his mom thought it was legal and the tattoo artist did it. this 10 year old had a better idea than half the adults that get them.  i don't see the problem.
qft, i co sign.
The big thing here is how can the government tell you how to raise your child.

I understand making the law for licensed individuals but how can you say that I cannot allow my child to do ....

Its like where does it stop from there, next its you cannot bring your child up with a certain religion, you cannot give your child certain foods...

Now those are just examples but getting a tatoo is not something that is undoubtedly bad (or good for that matter) and niether are the two two examples above.

Its like the old saying goes "walk" before you run
Originally Posted by DutchMasterRoller

The big thing here is how can the government tell you how to raise your child.

I understand making the law for licensed individuals but how can you say that I cannot allow my child to do ....

Its like where does it stop from there, next its you cannot bring your child up with a certain religion, you cannot give your child certain foods...

Now those are just examples but getting a tatoo is not something that is undoubtedly bad (or good for that matter) and niether are the two two examples above.

Its like the old saying goes "walk" before you run
It's called parens patriae. Those issues you just talked about have already been settled. Parents essentially have free range to raise their children as they wish, but certain things public policy will dictate that the government will step in.
Ex: You can dictate how you want your child to be educated (private or public), but you can't say your child won't be educated at all. 

There is no slippery slope here. And if there is, the parent is always free to sue the government. 
It's her child tho. You can pierce your child's ears but not tattoo them. Different cultures all over the world do both but in the 'Land of The Free' it's illegal.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Blown so out of proportion. You've got to look at the culture, apparently the mom sees nothing wrong with tattoos and tons of kids want to do what their parents do. How is this different from getting babies ears pierced?
Oh wait, it's not.
In high school, almost every kid I balled with had tats on their arms/chest etc. So will the parents of those kids be responsible as well? These charges need to get dropped. If anything, the tattoo artist should be arrested! They didnt comment on the location of the place where he got tatted at so im assuming it was some second hand dude that tats at his crib. Or maybe somebody that actually tats in a shop but also does his work on the side where people come to the house
people talking about the tattoo artist having a license.  not every county requires a license.  chances are you need one in a bigger county but if you're in the middle of no where they probably don't require one. 
Damn, this is so blown out of proportion. I don't even think what happened was that big of a deal.

I know I'm opening up Pandora's Box on this one, but I wonder how this situation would have played out if it were a white family out of the OC or something who got a tattoo for the same reason.
meh, people much old than lil dude walking around with drake & free vybz kartel tattoos.
let lil dude live with his dead brother on arm
For those saying this is no big deal, if your 10 year old child comes up to you and asks if they can get a tat, would you let them?
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Is a tattoo really that bad though?

When you consider the practices that other cultures have around the world, getting a tattoo really is not that big of a deal.

I'm not saying I would agree or give consent to my child to do the same, but who are we to say what a person can put on their body?

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

As odd as it is, why is this anyone else's concern including the authorities?

Because if a 10 year old shows up to a school with a tattoo, it's going to raise eyebrows.  It can be looked at as a form of abuse on a child. 
Unless he was held down against his will to do it, it's not abuse, just enabling. 20 years ago people had this same argument about earrings.
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