Girl lied about being gang raped at Hofstra, The 5th man has been revealed, Taveras is an NTer

This thread just gets better n better
Will the real Kevin Taveras please stand up?

His post count doesn't indicate he just registered so I think he might be the real deal...
be realistic, even if it is him which judging from location and post count and time he joined it very well could be. why would he put everything out here on amessage board. if that broad gets charges pressed against her which i hope happens it would be a risk posting the story on a random message board because in aworst case scenario the broads lawyer could somehow find it and attempt to use it against him.

i'm sure dude could talk about it to a certain extent but to the expect the full play by play detailed story would be unreasonable
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by blingblingitis

my dude on the right with the grey sweater stays having that mean lookon his face, for all i know he could be the sweetest most generous person there is but he has the eye of the tiger in all the pics of him in this thread just posted in the corner of the pic like "yeah what"
come on now, ya'll smarter than that, ya'll know his lawyeradvised against discussing it, stop asking.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

be realistic, even if it is him which judging from location and post count and time he joined it very well could be. why would he put everything out here on a message board. if that broad gets charges pressed against her which i hope happens it would be a risk posting the story on a random message board because in a worst case scenario the broads lawyer could somehow find it and attempt to use it against him.

i'm sure dude could talk about it to a certain extent but to the expect the full play by play detailed story would be unreasonable

Hood dudes (or SMART dudes) know man... You do some $***, you keep your mouth shut.

Or in this case, you get into and then OUT OF some $***... scott-free... you get a new appreciation for life.

No need to seek additional "fame". If I'm him, I'm not telling ANYBODY *!!%. Especially on a message-board.

I'm so ecstatic for them dudes though.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

be realistic, even if it is him which judging from location and post count and time he joined it very well could be. why would he put everything out here on a message board. if that broad gets charges pressed against her which i hope happens it would be a risk posting the story on a random message board because in a worst case scenario the broads lawyer could somehow find it and attempt to use it against him.

i'm sure dude could talk about it to a certain extent but to the expect the full play by play detailed story would be unreasonable

Hood dudes (or SMART dudes) know man... You do some $***, you keep your mouth shut.

Or in this case, you get into and then OUT OF some $***... scott-free... you get a new appreciation for life.

No need to seek additional "fame". If I'm him, I'm not telling ANYBODY *!!%. Especially on a message-board.

I'm so ecstatic for them dudes though.
I thought they cant use information from a public message board to use against them
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^that makes no sense though.. you don't want to encourage that.
what you want to encourage is preventing people from making false accustations in the first place.

QFT. Moral of the story, always film a gang bang.

whoa whoa whoa, One of the dukes is actually a goon on this board?

....i mean really, what are the odds of that?
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