Glad you didn’t or wish you wouldn’t have? Vol. Life Philosophy

Oct 8, 2002
What’s your life philosophy when it comes to things you know might not end up like you expected? Wether it’s big purchases, women, life decisions ect. Aside from the obvious, when everything is said and done, would you rather be glad you didn’t take the L or would you rather take the L, get the experience and figure everything else out later?

Personally, I’m pretty confident in my judgment so I’d rather be glad I didn’t.
Nobody is going to say they would rather take the L. If I can see the L from far away, I avoid it. If I took the L then I did not foresee it and I will learn from it.
Not sure. But one thing I know is when I’m about to die I don’t want to live my life thinking “what if...”

gotta live your life to the fullest. Taking Ls in life is bound to happen, but you can never tell yourself that you didn’t live your life to the fullest. a whole lotta Ws also comes from taking a risk too
Nobody is going to say they would rather take the L. If I can see the L from far away, I avoid it. If I took the L then I did not foresee it and I will learn from it.
Can’t say I agree, there’s been tangibles in my life that I perceived to be w’s only to realize they were or would’ve been l’s. Women, sneakers, video games, commutes, jobs, etc.
99% of the things I think I’m going regret end up not even mattering..
i would not be the husband and father that i am today without the horrible experiences i put myself through when i was younger. i’m grateful that i suffered and survived.
I can say I'd go back and change some L's with women, BUT if I didn't take those L's with them I'd be out here moving without a backbone. But money related? Let's hit the time machine TONIGHT!
"Its not what you are, it's what you don't become that hurts "

-rocky parrish
that's crazy
i just had one of my ex's talk to me about
how she wishes stuff woulda turned out differently
and how we coulda stayed together
i fake cared about what she was saying
then said everything happens for a reason
and that who knows if things would have even
been the same if our decisions were different
that's crazy
i just had one of my ex's talk to me about
how she wishes stuff woulda turned out differently
and how we coulda stayed together
i fake cared about what she was saying
then said everything happens for a reason
and that who knows if things would have even
been the same if our decisions were different
Who broke it off and why?
Top Five Regrets of the Dying
  • I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  • I wish I hadn't worked so much.
  • I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
  • I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  • I wish that I had let myself be happier.

a nurse did research and interviews of people who knew they were dying and these were her top 5 findings
i try to remember these as much as i can
i feel like this would help a lot of people on here. especially the miserable folks who go around spreading their misery in every thread
Who broke it off and why?
i ran my moms phone bill up
so the phone got cut off
i was like 14/15
i was her first
we didnt talk for like 2 years
then when we started talking again she had a dude
so we kept it just on friend terms
been like that ever since
fast forward
he gave her 3 kids and herpes
so every now and then she gets sentimental
and be like "hey what if"
but i don't even be thinking about her like that
just strictly as a friend
but don't be wanting her to feel bad
Top Five Regrets of the Dying
  • I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  • I wish I hadn't worked so much.
  • I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
  • I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  • I wish that I had let myself be happier.

a nurse did research and interviews of people who knew they were dying and these were her top 5 findings
i try to remember these as much as i can
i feel like this would help a lot of people on here. especially the miserable folks who go around spreading their misery in every thread
top five regrets of THE DYING :lol:
i ran my moms phone bill up
so the phone got cut off
i was like 14/15
i was her first
we didnt talk for like 2 years
then when we started talking again she had a dude
so we kept it just on friend terms
been like that ever since
fast forward
he gave her 3 kids and herpes
so every now and then she gets sentimental
and be like "hey what if"
but i don't even be thinking about her like that
just strictly as a friend
but don't be wanting her to feel bad
So you’re glad you didn’t...she wish she would’ve..
I don’t really regret anything. Like yeah I would have done ALOT differently had I known what the outcome would have been but what can you do? You can’t change the past, just try and learn from it.

Life is kind of boring now but at least it’s sustainable and not stressful.
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