GM Records its highest profit ever vol. $7.6 Bill

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

And... this just put an end to Mitt Romney's presidential race. How you tell Detroit you wanted them to fail!
Once again his words were spun to say something he didn't actually say.  He stated that GM should have gone through the normal BK process rather than having the Treasury and the UAW get stock in the company while investors got the shaft on their bonds.  Under normal BK, Bond holders get priority while equity holders are typically much further down on the repayment chain if there is anything left.
This is great news for GM and great news for President Obama as well. 

And... this just put an end to Mitt Romney's presidential race.

If Romney loses the primary in his "so called" home state of Michigan coming up it could be grand opening.......grand closing as far as his 2012 presidentail bid is concerned........and I love it.


Once again his words were spun to say something he didn't actually say.  He stated that GM should have gone through the normal BK process rather than having the Treasury and the UAW get stock in the company while investors got the shaft on their bonds.  Under normal BK, Bond holders get priority while equity holders are typically much further down on the repayment chain if there is anything left.

*Mitt Romney*........."I like being able to fire people"
Originally Posted by Deuce King

This is great news for GM and great news for President Obama as well. 

And... this just put an end to Mitt Romney's presidential race.

If Romney loses the primary in his "so called" home state of Michigan coming up it could be grand opening.......grand closing as far as his 2012 presidentail bid is concerned........and I love it.

How many home states does this guy have?

That he will lose 2 of 3.. 

The electoral college map as of today (which it will drastically change by November I know that).. But in today's map Obama pretty much ends every chance Romney could win.

It is 217-140..   With states like PA,NC, VA, FL,OH,WI,IA, OH, NV, MO as toss ups..   if it were to stay like this there is no path to victory for Romney. Way to many toss up states that in reality he just wouldn't be able to take enough of them to win the election.

And with a republican like Romney all states would be in play... Texas polls over the last 6 months have never had Romney at above a 7 point lead in Texas (which is disastrous). Where as Dem Strongholds like NY,CA, MA have Obama up anywhere from 17-29 points in last 6 months of polling.

Romney will be running a race he can't win
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Who's buying these cars? Around my way there's nothing but imports.

   you conservatives kill me.
......around my way its pretty much a mixed bag, but once you put pickup trucks in the mix it leans American.
....surprised no Nijahood sighting yet to regurgitate somehting he's heard on conservative talk tv/radio.

Originally Posted by quik1987

Who's buying these cars? Around my way there's nothing but imports.
people love chevys b....

tahoes, suburbans, impalas, camaros, cruze, traverse (sp?)

and lets not even talk about da older models, monte carlos, caprices, etc.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Who's buying these cars? Around my way there's nothing but imports.

   you conservatives kill me.
......around my way its pretty much a mixed bag, but once you put pickup trucks in the mix it leans American.
....surprised no Nijahood sighting yet to regurgitate somehting he's heard on conservative talk tv/radio.


ell since you asked.... *ahem*

[h1]Obama Plans $10,000 Subsidy for Chevy Volt[/h1]
February 13, 2012 8:58 PM EST


2012 Chevrolet Volt (Photo: GM)

Electric car buyers might enjoy an extra $10,000 off from getting a Chevy Volt or its likes, if the Congress approves the new bill to increase government subsidies for new-technology vehicles.

According to a budget documented titled “Investing in Our Futureâ€
Unions FTW

...Yeah, I see like 15-20 Cameros a day... They're popping up in the Hood with 22's like the old Charger's were...
Technically, there is no profit and that 7.6 billion should have been returned to the US Treasury since they still owe the American people billions.
Originally Posted by Essential1

buying an eco-friendly car is classified as self righteous now?

when da government is forking over a cool 7500 for every purchase..yea, especially when its politically driven.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Essential1

buying an eco-friendly car is classified as self righteous now?

when da government is forking over a cool 7500 for every purchase..yea, especially when its politically driven.
self-righteous: confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others. 

Would be self-righteous if they were to go up to people and try to demonize them for not having an eco car...
If you watch the video I posted, a GM commercial from two years ago, you'd see that they paid back their government loans in full already.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Essential1

buying an eco-friendly car is classified as self righteous now?

when da government is forking over a cool 7500 for every purchase..yea, especially when its politically driven.
self-righteous: confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others. 
why else would people who from what da article said make over 140k buy these? definitely for some smug factor, cuz it definitely aint exactly Eco-friendly

when you get to da specifics
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

when da government is forking over a cool 7500 for every purchase..yea, especially when its politically driven.
self-righteous: confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others. 
why else would people who from what da article said make over 140k buy these? definitely for some smug factor, cuz it definitely aint exactly Eco-friendly

when you get to da specifics
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Essential1

self-righteous: confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others. 
why else would people who from what da article said make over 140k buy these? definitely for some smug factor, cuz it definitely aint exactly Eco-friendly

when you get to da specifics

Originally Posted by mjd77

Technically, there is no profit and that 7.6 billion should have been returned to the US Treasury since they still owe the American people billions.
Huh? They have already returned their loans to the government.
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