Going into my Junior year of HS

Jul 11, 2011
Gonna be a Jr in HS this coming fall and I just wanted to know how much I may die from my schedule

Have a 4.3 weighted GPA and a 3.86 non-weighted GPA on a 4 point scale
I may die this year
Also, JV bball
Wanna go to Stanford

Sorry pic is a little small
but schedule is as follows:

Honors Spanish 4
AP English
Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Honors Pre-Calc & Trig
AP US History
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Stanford? As an elite university they want you to take the hardest possible classes, period. That means no fluff classes, and if your school offers an AP/Honors equivalent of your non-AP/Honors class, take it. Along with that, you're gonna have to have much better EC's than playing JV basketball. As far as schedule-wise, I think you'll be fine as long as you put in the time and effort. I'll be a senior next year and took 4 AP's and 1 Honors, and my other class was PE.
what is this, collegeconfidential.com? Cmon son.

Anyway, you will live. Focus on having fun, do your homework, and don't smoke pot. You're on the right track.
My advice is to try as hard as you can. Doing well in HS can pay off in college with acceptance letters and scholarships.

I would have definitely tried harder knowing what I know now.

Good luck!
Just go to Berkeley. Stanford sucks.

Stanford girls aren't very good looking. All I gotta say is: Allison Stokke.
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Work your *** off. That is the best advice I can give you as a person who just finished high school.
Junior year was definitely my hardest year. AP Courses, SAT classes, SAT testing ...
Just try your best. Work on your writing skills. That is also a very important part.
This helps with sat essays and personal statements( you must make yours stand out as much as possible w/ a good statement that is well written)
It depends on what school you go to as well. Is it typical for people to get into schools like Stanford coming from your high school? If they do then it is more probable that you have a good chance. If not then it would be harder( you would need to take more challenging courses).

Talk with your counselor. Tell him/her your goals. That is why they are there.
Maybe find a Stanford alum?
If you're a junior on JV, I'd just focus on school. More time to study if you wanna go to Stanford.
Just go to Berkeley. Stanford sucks.
Stanford girls aren't very good looking. All I gotta say is: Allison Stokke.

Alex Morgan.....Alex Morgan

OP ur doin good to me, the competition is tough though....you're prolly 1 out of all the thousands that achieved the same thing...better get them on the personal statement
If you're an Asian with a 3.86, it's going to be tough for you to get into any ELITE university in America (that strong URM pull ain't workin for ya'll). You need to have those HEAVY extra currics and make sure it is enough to make you stand out as well as get around a 2300 on the SAT. There are going to be people just like you applying if not way better, so you have to be as well rounded as you possibly can be, man. Don't worry about dying. Some kids are taking harder courses and pulling 4.0s. Good luck.
Alex Morgan.....Alex Morgan
OP ur doin good to me, the competition is tough though....you're prolly 1 out of all the thousands that achieved the same thing...better get them on the personal statement

Alex Morgan for sure! She graduated before I got there, though. I saw Allison Stokke around campus quite a bit. Other hot alumnus: Natalie Coughlin.

OP: That schedule is pretty rough. High school is definitely much easier than college; believe me, my GPA got raped at UC Berkeley. I seldom got A's on my papers. Still, you can spread yourself too thin at any grade level.

Here's the good news if you make it to Stanford: grade inflation!

I hate you, Stanford. Your students don't work as hard for A's.
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Stanford? Only 2 AP classes junior year? Forget it homeboy. My cousin took 7 APs his junior year and 6 his senior year with all grades being A's and still couldn't get into MIT, but he did get a full ride to his backup UVA, so not too shabby. But of course, you haven't told us about your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or high school rank. Make sure you do well on the tests (SAT, ACT) later in the year. The hardest part is that you're applying to an elite school in California, where all the Asian applicants have similar grades, if not better than you. But as you know, grades aren't everything. You gotta do (put on your resume) stuff that differentiate yourself from the others, especially with a Top 10 school where high GPAs and test scores are REQUIREMENTs. Junior year is most people's hardest year since they gotta take hard classes and do all the volunteer work requirements and whatnot. I suggest you take more AP classes, but if you feel you won't be able to handle it then just forget about Stanford, unless you have some exceptional extracurricular activities, volunteer work, test scores, essays, recommendations, etc to put on your application/resume. Some of the UCs are great schools to fall back on.

Edit: It's great that you care about your education relatively early, though!. Wish I had the same mentality back in my early high school days
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Don't be a baby you'll be fine. You are prepping yourself well for college, continue to take a lot of AP classes all the way throughout your senior year. Also don't start smoking or drinking lol the parties will come in college.
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