Going to work, sleep, then back to work UNAPPRECIATION THREAD

^ no doubt, there are precursors to having a career like education, sacrifice, and determination, for example - don't trivialize dude by calling him"lucky".
Being a paramedic stinks in terms of sleep.
You work 24 hour shifts. So the whole day that you work, you go "get to work, eat, sleep, work, come back, sleep, eat, sleep, work"
All in 24 hours, sometimes it's brutal.
It's called life.

How are you surprised.

Wild out on the weekend to keep your sanity
Word at my old job

Close Saturday night
Open Sunday morning
Close Sunday night
Open Monday morning

How are you surprised.
Who said I was surprised?

I just said it was unappreciated....I gotta work late tonite, then turning around and be here first thing tomorrow morning.

I'm tired....can't wait til the weekend
I know that feeling.

I used to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and that killed me.

I'm not going to lie when the check came I was happy like no other, but I used to get taxed like crazy.

77 hours a week for like 3-4 months straight.

Also, that second shift is a bia too. you get out of work like at 12-1, then give yourself 1 hour give or take to get home than another 1-2 to shower eat. Thenyou watch some T.V. or sportscenter at 2am, by the time you going to sleep it's 4-6am and then you have to wake up and be ready to go to work at 3pm thenext day.

It's a grind, but you have to do what you have to do.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Yup, the vicious "real world" cycle has gotten a hold of me.

All I do is eat, sleep, go to work, come home, repeat....

This grind is killing me, how many of yall feel where I'm coming from?




- MAN UP! you gon make an unappreciation thread when you cashing all those checks?? didnt think so....
- working more than one job/ working alot of overtime is good for you, it builds charcter and work ethic.

- i worked 7days/12hrs for a year after hurricane Katrina then 6days/10hrs the year after, now we're down to 5-6 days/8hrs and id love to have those hoursback


Past 2 weeks have been crazy. Ive been doing 7a-4:30pm & 6:30p-10:30p.

I barely even have time to eat.

Its like why did i bother coming home ? I come home from work 12-1am sometimes when i start at 8am and then gotta wake up at 6 to do it all over again.

Thank god for naps at work.

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I know that feeling.

I used to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and that killed me.

I'm not going to lie when the check came I was happy like no other, but I used to get taxed like crazy.

77 hours a week for like 3-4 months straight.

Also, that second shift is a bia too. you get out of work like at 12-1, then give yourself 1 hour give or take to get home than another 1-2 to shower eat. Then you watch some T.V. or sportscenter at 2am, by the time you going to sleep it's 4-6am and then you have to wake up and be ready to go to work at 3pm the next day.

It's a grind, but you have to do what you have to do.
I feel you on taxes and i could only claim myself so they take more out.
I havent made much since i started in april but my boy said i should get most of it back though.
that's why i go out with friends almost every night. i hate the routine of going to work, coming home and there's nothing to do but wait til the nextday (unless it's the weekend)
I'm feeling the opposite way..I'm going to school, work, sleep repeat. And because I need to take 5 classes I can't even enjoy work and sinceI'm working and school I'm just tired. I really need to find something that's relaxing and gives me some relief or I can forsee a nervous breakdownin my immediate future...
Of course there's always the weekends, but too much work + stress on a daily basis is not healthy for you.

And mentally it is very draining.....I one day dream of being able to work my own schedule
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