Google Nose Beta

May 31, 2011
Didn't see a thread and it seemed more appropriate to just make a thread. Have any of you'll tried it with success? I thought i smelled Duran but I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things.

Now we can finally tell "What that thang smell like?"

Hopefully the video comes up.

I tried smelling Peanut butter and old dog, I got nothing.
Google troll'd me hard and I cant even be mad 

I tried Lemon, Coffee, Cabinet wine, etc.

I had a feeling someone started this thread already


What would make you think this works, though?

Probably the fact that it's technically not April 1st, people would think it's real.
And since Google is coming out with Google Glass, people wouldn't put it past them that they actually invented a way of smell-o-vision.
Gullibility is a ************.
I can't believe that I tried it though hgdg BCdgjkhffehjbbgjj. The ghost one should've been a dead giveaway.

Kudos Google.
the REAL trolling being done is getting you all to believe that this is a joke and wont actually come out sooner than later.
the REAL trolling being done is getting you all to believe that this is a joke and wont actually come out sooner than later.

My ***** work at best buy, she says they are testing a tv where you can smell and feel heat or cold. I dnt believe her but she sounds serious
How the hell did I let this get me THREE days after April fools??? :rofl:

Bruh... Google won.
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