Greg Oden bad knee injury during Rockets v. Portland Game

Based on previous injuries like this in the NBA, how long does it usually take a player to recover?

Anyways, I expect Oden to be back 100% by the start of next season.

The crazy thing is that he was only playing around 23-24 minutes a game this season (mostly due to foul trouble) so it's not like the Trail Blazersorganization were putting a lot of stress on his body.

It was just a freak accident that couldn't be prevented. You can't strengthen your knee-cap in the weight room or by doing basketball drills.

What's crazy is that in the 3 years since he's been drafted (including this season), he's only played in 82 regular season games. Dude really isinjury prone. Even if he comes back 100% but only averages 40-50 games a season then he's gonna have to be considered a bust
All this seems horribly unfair to Oden, a gentle giant who, as general manager Kevin Pritchard somberly noted afterward, had worked so hard to come back from his first knee injury. Oden felt bad enough that Brandon Roy said, "He looked at me and he was like, 'Sorry,' and put his head down." He also was asking for score updates while being carted off for his MRI.
Damn I actually got a few sad chills through my system because of that. I feel for the dude man. Maybe his body isn't built for this. Thinline between giving it all up and being a fighter. All stories won't end like Grant Hill.

Damn @ the pics
How the hell does that even happen? That's just a freak occurrence. Can't even say this has to do with him supposedly being "injury prone."it's just bad luck
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Its a damn shame a majority of the 7footers can't stay healthy.
Humans just ain't meant to be that big...The ones like Shaq, Wilt, Kareem who had long careers are the real freaks.
This is so true. Anyone over 6'4 is really over sized exponentially for the human body. Now someone 7+ ft it's just that much worst.
Dude looks like he's a year away from retiring and apparently his body is too.

But all joking aside, I feel bad for Oden. But his body just seems to be way too injury prone despite his actual age.
I was at the game and man, once that happened everybody got silent literally. Over some time, we started chanting his name. Feel bad man, but once hedidn't get up and got put on the stretcher, I realized he was done for the season. This was suppose to be his year he plays a full season and contributesconsistently.

At least they won for him.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

They should've taken Durant.
So foul
..but that sucks for real...that's a lot ofrehab. Unfortunately, I feel like his career is going to end up as one of those "What If's" instead of what it could be
It was always in the back of my mind that he would become the second coming of Sam Bowie, but I had hope he'd stay healthy and develop. Unfortunately, itdoesn't look like that.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

They should've taken Durant.

Imagine if Portland drafted him.

Roy + Durant + Aldridge.

That be a dynasty in the making.

I feel for Oden though, dude really cares. Hopefully he will be able to come back from this injury since he's starting to play well.
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