Has Anybody Ever Texts A Question To That 542-542 (kgb)??

Feb 7, 2008
Yall seen that commercial with the 2 old guys talking about bruce lee vs chuck norris?

Have yall texts a question to them? what did you ask and were they able to answer it?
Never texted them a question, but I signed up to be an agent and I'm just waiting on the simulation to know if I got hired!
I dont think ypu'l find a lot of people on here that would text that place, because they would just look up the info their self.

It cost like 75 cent for an answers.
Why text them when i can ask my good buddys on wonderful NT?
i've wondered about this too. cool concept, but if i had a brain fart or something where i couldnt remember, i just google it on my phone
I use Cha-Cha send ur text to "242242" They have answers for everything and they are very logical...
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I guess it's nice if you don't have a blackberry to look up the answers.
You don't need a BB. There are nonsmartphones out there that can access the web and view HTML websites.
Originally Posted by MECKS

^ for real.... why text them when u can google it...

That company probably just looks it up on google and texts back and charges you 75 cents. Lazy people FTL.
My homeboy did it just to be dumb... askin questions like "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck" and "whats the meaning of life"... itgave an actual answer for the woodchuck question tho
ChaCha is free if you have free texting. Never charged me a cent. Very useful when you do not have access to the internet.
Mister are you sure the fine print didn't say if you don't have a text messaging plan they charge you the standard rate?
dammm air justin u stole wat i ws a bout to say....CHA CHA is definitely the place to text...its free for like up to the first ten/fifteen texts amonth...correct me if im wrong though...i use it all the time...they get u answers real fast too
yes cha-cha is a good source to use, i use that as well... 242242 is the number to text as long a you dont ask any vulgar questions they are good withanswering, and if you do ask vulgar question you will get banned and cannot use the service again.
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