Has anyone here ever taught english abroad or knows about it?

Gill Baka Esq. LLC.

formerly grimlock
Sep 28, 2008
    So I have a semester left before I complete my B.A. in the fall and for my field the minimum you need to practice as a speech therapist is a Masters.  Honestly I don't think I would be in the right state of mind to start Grad school next fall so I wanted to take a year off and work/travel/volunteer.  One of my options I figured for my year off would be to travel to another country to teach english for a couple months...not really for the money because I know it's not a good paying job but for the experience.

So anyone recommend any places, or if I should even do it?  Any stories?
brother is teaching in Korea right now and he makes around $1600 after taxes

rent and flight was paid for

don't really know too much other than that
Originally Posted by bud dink

do you have to speak the other language too?????????????????????/
Most programs don't have that requirement. Used to think about going this route too but I realized I only know how to speak English. Teaching the technicalities (i.e. grammar) is impossible for me
My older sister did a year in South Korea. Sounds similar to what TNW said.

She loved it, for the most part. Great experience, eye opening culture.

She didn't know any Korean before she went. She knows a bit now, and honestly the majority of people there know enough English to help you out.

I think it'd be cool.
bkdan1 wrote:
Originally Posted by bud dink

do you have to speak the other language too?????????????????????/
Most programs don't have that requirement. Used to think about going this route too but I realized I only know how to speak English. Teaching the technicalities (i.e. grammar) is impossible for me

I always wanted to do this as an excuse to go to Japan.... But yeah, I'm not very qualified.

Originally Posted by bkdan1

Originally Posted by bud dink

do you have to speak the other language too?????????????????????/
Most programs don't have that requirement. Used to think about going this route too but I realized I only know how to speak English. Teaching the technicalities (i.e. grammar) is impossible for me
I wonder if I could get by with just googling a lesson plan the night before
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