Have you ever taught yourself something? (guitar, piano, math, programming, web design, etc.)

Photoshop almost completely by messing around with it. I also read alot of books on history and current events around the world all the time if you wanna count that; I always try to soak up knowledge on everything so I guess you can say I have a fair amount of knowledge about a lot of stuff.
Originally Posted by cruzair13


my grandma taught me the first bar of Canon by Pachelbel.
Had some old piano book in the house and taught myself to read music.

finished canon after 6 years. haha

Drawing, tennis, blading.

Years of experimenting until you find what is effective. 100x more fulfilling when you can noticeably see your level rising and can attribute it 100% to you're own determination.
math so i could test out of the pre-reqs for calculus
chemistry so i could test out of basic chem
using my left hand almost better than my right when i was in a pool league ( i almost write better left handed now)
Piano: Learn to read sheet music, get some basic music theory knowledge, and practice as often as you can. There are tons of resources on the web, and they all say pretty much the same thing.

Programming: In uni they taught us basic Java and C. If you expect to get a job with just the basic education you get, best of luck. If you program, or if you want to major in CSC, you won't get far at all unless you like it and want to do it. I've taken it upon my self to learn Python, C++, Lua, and soon C#. If you want to learn, the hardest part is learning your first language. C is probably the best one to learn. Most major languages are based on C, so it's good to know. Once you learn C, you should be comfortable learning other languages. If you want a gentler intro to programming, Python is pretty easy to learn. I switched majors to CSC blindly, and it was the best decision I've ever made. You can do so much w/ programming. I've taken a huge interest in game programming. I've spent time w/ the Unreal Engine UDK, as well as the CryEngine SDK, and I'm even coding my own engine in C++. If you're interested in serious game programming, I'd advise learning C++ and a graphics API, either OpenGL or DirectX (depending on your needs). That's really if you want to start from scratch and just understand where the parts fit (so to speak). Frank D. Luna has a new book coming out soon for DirectX 11 and Mike McShaffry's "Game Coding Complete" just released a few days ago. There are also lots of old books floating around the interwebs that you can take a look at.

Here are some books I recommend. some are pretty expensive, as they are textbooks. there are also *cough* disreputable *cough* ways of getting them as well...
Spoiler [+]
Java (in this order)
Reges: "Back to Basics" - the first book I read about programming. it's very beginner friendly and it's very well thought out
Eckel: "Thinking in Java" - fleshes out things like polymorphism and concurrency in greater depth
Bloch: "Effective Java" - this book will really make it so you optimize your programming in Java with "tips" from a former Java library programmer

Kochan - "Programming in C " good C primer. I switched back and forth between this one and the next while learning C. They're both very good and you can't go wrong w/ either.
King - "C Programming: A modern approach"

Prata- "C++ Primer Plus (5th ed)" - it's a good intro so far to C++. I'm about half way through this one, but I've enjoyed it so far. I think the exercises in this book are probably the best programming exercises in any book i've bought
Meyers - "Effective C++" - like Bloch's book, but for C++

Gaddis - "Starting out with Python" - essentially the same as the Java "Back to Basics" book, except for Python. very good for beginners.
Beazley - "Python Essential Reference" - great reference handbook

Ierusalimschy - "Programming in Lua" - while I have yet to open this one, it's from the creator of this nifty little scripting language. It gets very good reviews.

I've also dabbled in OpenGl and DirectX programming, but I'm still working on my C++ and trying to get it so I have a handle on everything. I've made a few games in Java, but C++ is a whole different animal. Of course, no programming book collection would be complete w/o something on algorithms and data structures. You can find a very good book (for free) here:


It's what we used in our Data structures class. Also, Robert Sedgewick has a very highly praised series on algorithms that you should check out.

3d modeling: There are some good books on it, but I've found the best ones are not program specific. "Digital Modeling" by William Vaughn and "Digital Lighting and Rendering" by Jeremey Birn are two of the best books on the subject you can find anywhere. I'm currently working on a few models (for a game I'm making), and a few environment renders just for fun. The best way to learn is through free tutorials and websites that can get you started. 3dtotal.com and 3dm3.com helped me quite a bit when I started. I'm still not great, but I'm a much better 3d artist than 2d artist . I use 3ds Max and Mudbox (free for students! go to students.autodesk.com and sign up).

photography: I'm a noob photographer, but I do it because I love it. I fell in love with some legacy lenses I found lying around that belonged to my grandfather, and it piqued my interest. It's something I do more often now that I need textures for my 3d modeling escapades. It's really not that hard to get started. Learn the basics about your camera, and practice. I also use photoshop a lot now that I do photography, and it goes hand in hand w/ the 3d modeling stuff I do. I'm not a studio photographer by any means, so I'm probably not the best to listen to about this. Listen to the guys/gals in the Photography thread.

gardening: I started my own flower garden last summer (last summer was really big for me lol). I'm planning on growing food organically as well. If you're short on space, like I am, look into something called "square-foot gardening". It's a really smart way of starting your own garden, no matter how small. Mel Bartholemew has a great book about it, but it doesn't really take a genius to buy untreated wood and assemble a box from it. Soil mixes, composting, etc. are all covered in the book as well, so it's a nice way to get started gardening no matter how you want to do it. It's fun and you can be really proud of your work after you've digested it 
I taught myself how to make music.

Also, I taught myself how to whistle with my fingers.
currently trying to teach myself how to mix down tracks on pro tools (can't find a producer i can vibe with yet) will let you know when i completely got it down
Make music, mix, basically most things to do with the production stage.
HTML & CSS coding.
Photoshop. A lot of software programs.
How to build a computer
How to cook. That's about it.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

im above average at everything. never amazing at anything.
Although I won't say I am "above average" at everything, this is the problem I have too. I want to dabble in everything, and a lot of times, these things take a lot of time and money (there is always the thought in the back of every beginners mind that "If I have the best equipment, I can be better."
) to get into seriously, so I kind of give up eventually. Which makes it kind of hard to answer when someone asks me "What are your hobbies? What do you excel at?" I just can't give them a straight answer.

Right now, I am learning the piano by myself. I already know a bit of how to read sheet music from my music classes in middle school, but I have never learned how to play an instrument properly. One thing I do need help with is finger positioning. Plus, I have a very low sense of rhythm, I can multitask, but I just can't keep track of the beats when I play.

Before I found a job, I was trying to teach myself Python since I know basic programming and logic from MatLab. "Obtained" some e-books but never got into it.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Samplers/Drum machines.
this.. not that awesome yet but i'm getting there. it's a lot harder to find time with school and such. 
I am fairly decent at multiple instruments (guitar, drums, piano, banjo) and am looking to get much better. I am also trying to teach myself math because I feel I was taught wrong. Left hand for bball is getting a lot better. I'm also trying to teach myself how to make money without having a "real job" lol. Entrepreneurship I guess. Tons of more things i'd like to learn.

I find making time for yourself difficult with all the things aching for your attention daily.

Giving yourself time is a thing to learn in itself.
Photoshop, and certain dance moves. I'm trying to learn loads more, but it's hard to find the motivation.
How to cook.

I basically watched a bunch of food network and started reading cookbooks. It also helps to have a mom and sister who can cook damn near everything.
Now I'm like: 
The crossover, the layup. Jumpshot I had a few hints here and there so it waasn't completely myself.
Originally Posted by xEpikRain

Photoshop, and certain dance moves. I'm trying to learn loads more, but it's hard to find the motivation.

I want to learn a few types of dance, with street being the main focus. YAK Fils on YouTube makes me want to

Originally Posted by WaitWut

im jelly OP i wanna learn about cars and computers

The best way to do it is to just dive in. If something goes wrong with your car, research the hell out of it, find guides and do it yourself. And dont just follow the instructions, figure out the logic behind it work and you'll learn quick.
I learned how to drive manual while high. And how to play better basketball with my lefty.
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