HBO State of Play: Trophy Kids

Dec 1, 2012
Anyone watch this last night? I'm making a placeholder to remember to discuss later. Will post the trailer.

Really interesting. And sad.

edit: here's the trailer

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Saw this last night. Was very good. Definitely recommend.

Prepare to be disgusted by some of the parents. It was pretty sad at one point.
I felt it was a little too short- wanted to see more and find out what happened with these kids in the future.  All of them acted out in some ways but didn't go all out standing up to their parents.  You could see that bubbling rage that's going to explode in the future word to Todd Marinovich (who's in a discussion that plays afterwards).

Seemed like the basketball kid had almost checked out already, like he was about ready to quit ball and ignore his dad as soon as he got that scholarship.  Felt real bad for Justus, the football kid because his dad was so relentless.  He was aware of all he was putting on his son but felt like it was the right thing to do for some reason.  

His dad was obsessed with the idea of making him tough by just s****ing on him all the time, but it was pretty obvious that was making him weaker.  Even when playing football in the clips they showed he look mad tentative and indecisive, maybe because he was afraid of making mistakes.

That tennis mom was hilarious 
.  "They want to do it because they love it.  And for Jesus."
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Saw it didn't see the beginning . It's pretty accurate account coming from personal experience. The football players is soft as hell even though ihis father was extreme with the suicide talk but ehh.

I want to see other sports like baseball hockey and track.
Just got done with it I knew that kid was going to stay with his mom his dad was an ***.

This guy spent so much money just for a scholarship :lol:
Man the dads made the tennis mom seem normal. I've unfortunately seen this too many times while playing baseball. I'm glad my own dad wasn't like this.
Gotta remember to watch this.

I didn't experience this personally but I saw others around me go through some of this for sure.
I watched it. Wow. I have to appreciate all of the parents and kids who allowed viewers to come into their personal lives. While some of the scenes brought me to tears, I can relate to the out-of-control parenting tactics. And, honestly there are tons of parents who will be looking into a mirror as they watch. I will not go as far as to say I was on the same level as some of the parents, but relatable, yes. It is sad that parents lose the bigger picture when they have a child in the sports world. The competition & the intensity of wanting your child to be the best, eventually exceeds healthy parenting. It broke my heart. This documentary should be watched by every parent, whether their child plays sports or not. It will linger with me.
Great documentary, parents need their own dreams and goals. There are no do overs in life. Don't make your kids hate life because you didn't fulfill your goals and dreams. So glad my parents were never like that.
I felt it was a little too short- wanted to see more and find out what happened with these kids in the future.  All of them acted out in some ways but didn't go all out standing up to their parents.  You could see that bubbling rage that's going to explode in the future word to Todd Marinovich (who's in a discussion that plays afterwards).

Seemed like the basketball kid had almost checked out already, like he was about ready to quit ball and ignore his dad as soon as he got that scholarship.  Felt real bad for Justus, the football kid because his dad was so relentless.  He was aware of all he was putting on his son but felt like it was the right thing to do for some reason.  

His dad was obsessed with the idea of making him tough by just s****ing on him all the time, but it was pretty obvious that was making him weaker.  Even when playing football in the clips they showed he look mad tentative and indecisive, maybe because he was afraid of making mistakes.

That tennis mom was hilarious :lol: .  "They want to do it because they love it.  And for Jesus."

Just wanted to point out that there's a full 2 hour version with a whole bunch more scenes, and important characters that they cut out. It's on on-demand and Hbo go. Check it out.
This is exactly the parent I don't want to be, nothing scares me more than the potential of my child hating me and making them hate something they grew up loving.
Just wanted to point out that there's a full 2 hour version with a whole bunch more scenes, and important characters that they cut out. It's on on-demand and Hbo go. Check it out.

Damn thanks dude I had no idea. Repped
Watching the extended version

Damn good doc

Josh Moore reppin Udub hard :lol: :pimp:

He didnt have to snap on his kid about the GF thing

Some parts of this were disturbing and disgusting...did homeboy really call his 8 year old daughter a female dog? :x :smh:

Some of the tough love I can understand, but these parents know no boundries
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That football dad was the one making his son soft and timid, with no confidence and he aint even know it :smh:

And you could tell by the end that one father and son was just basically fed up about fighting each other over basketball
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Are they going to make this a series or is it just a one time thing? I'm really interested on seeing how things escalate between the parents and kids.
I think just one time, they plan on doing a series of docs like 30/30 I believe
I'm about to watch the extended version. Can I just watch from where the first one finished , or is the extra footage mixed in to the film?
Caught a glimpse last night.

Pathetic. You can discipline and teach without all that pressing. Bunch of losers if you ask me. Using their kids to fulfill their own dreams and wishes.
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That football dad was the one making his son soft and timid, with no confidence and he aint even know it

And you could tell by the end that one father and son was just basically fed up about fighting each other over basketball
Yeah he was one of the worst, it seemed like he finally let go at the end hopefully and let him and his son be happy

The other basketball dad, seemed chill wasnt really negative towards his kid, was lowkey at games...his other side started to come out a little towards the end though, felt like he had a bit of a facade for the cameras
I'm about to watch the extended version. Can I just watch from where the first one finished , or is the extra footage mixed in to the film?
I've only caught glimpes of the original cut but it seems like the extra footage is throughout the film from start to finish
Which parent do you guys think was the worst? My vote goes for the golf dad. Dude was disgraceful
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