Hello NT friends i need some advice on my method of working out ( cardio )( help a obese)

only way you will lose weight is with a better/clean diet.

less calories= weight loss
i went from 285 down to 260 in two months. 

drank a ton of water.
no soda, no juice, no milk. 
almond milk and tea were good alternatives.

ate mostly fresh fruits and vegetables.
GF made stuff like quinoa, lentils, polenta.

no cheese, no dairy products. no meat.
one hour of cardio every 3 days, with weightlifting before and after.

lovin it. none of my clothes fit anymore. i need new belts.
Use myfitnesspal.com, put your info in. Set your ideal weight and log your exercise. After a week or so you will learn what foods and what exercise works for you.
1 hour of lifting and 1 hour of cardio a day. Cut your calories down to an appropriate level, cut out worthless foods and drinks (only eat that which is natural and has true nutritional value), up your greens, protein, and water in take.
Dieting plus cardio. 20-30 minutes of running (whether outside or on a treadmill) does wonder
while at the same time you cut your calorie intake.
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