HELP!!! KC NTers, I have a Q about the 16/7 Package!!!

Dec 31, 2002
I live in LA (originally from KS) but I'm going to be back in KC at the time the 16/7 pack drops, are there any of you that work at FA,FL,FinishLine, etc.or have connects that can help me get the pack (size 14)? I can drop out cash for whoever can help me out. Thanks
not tryin to sound like smart @$+, but why not just buy em in the morning when they drop?
What places are going to have the pack? How crazy are the release dates in KC, will it be hard to cop?
FA in OP Mall should, i havent bought any CDPs so i dont know who else would have em. id say get there anywhere from 12pm-5am, depending on the size run
I got the 10/13 & 6/17 pack at Footaction Metro North, both were easy to cop for me, I just made sure I was there by 6:30. I try to avoid Oak Park becauseof the lines, but they do get a lot more packs.
Thanks for the tips fellas, I've never been to Metro North but I'm gonna check it out. Golden Oozaru, this is the only pack I've wanted to get soI'm not sure how the other packs sold out here but I still see the 21/2 and 14/9 packs around at diff stores here in LA.
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