Help with tough interview questions!

Apr 10, 2003
with graduation going on and people are starting to look for jobs, i thought it would be a good idea to make a thread answering some difficult interview questions.
some questions that come to mind are.... what are your strength and weaknesses, and name a tough situation you've been in and how did you handle it. how would you answer these questions? and are there any questions you have encountered that made you stumble during your interview?
The strength/weakness question is the #1 question during interviews, in my opinion. I was always asked this question with my share of interviews. I've always flipped the weakness question into a positive.
Just make sure to prepare for the situational questions.

The strength/weaknesses should be customized for the position.
What is your biggest strength?

- Name your strength and then use an example (could be from school, work, or personal life) to support it.

What is your biggest weakness?

-Be honest and list your weakness, but also explain what you are doing to combat that weakness.
(ex: My biggest weakness is that I'm disorganized, but I am taking steps towards improving that by making notes my daily planner...obviously you can expand here.)

The main thing with every question is to always give an example. You will be taken more seriously and it gives you more to say rather than a short one sentence response to the question, which might seem insincere and unbelievable.
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