Hey GOONS! Wanna meet my new puppy? Suuree ya do! Come on in (Photographs)


Jul 20, 2012
So you might remember me making a thread a little while back regarding picking up a puppy.

welll here is, meet Timber!

Breed: Alaskan Klee Kai

isnt he so handsome??? thats a rhetorical question, of course he's handsome.

he's 9 weeks old and i just picked him up  yesterday, he flew in from Kansas. 

he had a good first night and is taking well to potty and crate training.

Any dog enthusiasts out there that could give me some advanced training/care tips? id really appreciate it.

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Cute doggy ...whats the difference b/n "klee kai" and huskys?

*edit* nvm googled it...so they're like huskys but apartment size...cool
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Any of you guys work, go to school, and still have a dog??

I just dont see how i can responsibly do it......

Oh, and he cute doe.....
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Cute dog!

Tip #1 for me... CRATE TRAIN him.  You're first few nights might be hell but you should really keep him crated while he sleeps (even if he cant sleep due to being away from his litter)  he might cry like hell but you have to teach him its okay for him to be in his crate and sleep alone.

My 12 week old pup Hugo...

wow...i think i may have finally decided on my next puppy. you are a terrible photographer though lol
Apartment sized husky you say :pimp:

And I agree on the crate training him early.. Only time my dogs go into crate is to sleep I leave them out while I'm at work and they do just fine
hey Club, whats up with the shredded paper in one of those pics? I hope you didnt lay that down in the crate itself.

great looking pup though. unless you choose to be a careless owner, kiss a good portion of your social life goodbye. whenever you want to do something, youre always going to have to think of the dog first.
So basically it's a iPad mini version of the reg husky ? Might cop :nerd:
Dude, where did he fly in from? Where did you cop?
I seriously want an exact one like that, very cool dog.
I've always been into Huskies but they are just too big for apartments, thats the perfect solution. :lol:

Info on where to get one, im in Cali :nerd:
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I pictured you more of a lap-dog kinda guy

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Dude, where did he fly in from? Where did you cop?
I seriously want an exact one like that, very cool dog.
I've always been into Huskies but they are just too big for apartments, thats the perfect solution. :lol:
Info on where to get one, im in Cali :nerd:

Yeah me too :lol:
I'm tryna get one to live with me in the apartment.
Nice pup fam. Timber has the potential to make yambs go crazy with his itty bitty paws :wink:
Cute dog.

Crate training was the worst. When my dog was a pup, I couldn't bear to hear all the crying she did at night. Broke my heart. Discipline your dog early and be firm. Don't let the puppy face turn you into an enabler.
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