Hidden Colors 2 (From Tariq Nasheed)

Why though? Wasn't MLK celebrated by them because of these tactics? Is force the only way to take back what could truly be ours? Why should we continue to turn the other cheek?
:smh: ***** the Civil Rights movement was effective because we didnt react violently. Dudes risked they life in the trenches so you can have the freedom to talk reckless on the internet

That Malcolm X philosophy of talking violence and doing nothing aint going to get you nowhere in this country but on a list.
Brother Tariq Nasheed is not a black supremest. Like a couple of others have said, he is a guy who knows and understands history and therefore takes pride in his race.

I think African people who take offense to what he says have insecurities within themselves and are afraid of their own greatness. Why shouldn't you feel good about YOUR history. We invented civilization for "Christ" sake... But I digress

Hidden Colors 2 looks great so far and I will definitely PAY for it when it drops. For some reason black folks have a problem supporting our own, I hope most of you guys actually pay for the DVD and don't bootleg it or download it.

And I do agree that Tariq has outgrown the MackLessonsRadio brand. His info is much more than "game" IMO... but to each his own.
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:smh: ***** the Civil Rights movement was effective because we didnt react violently. Dudes risked they life in the trenches so you can have the freedom to talk reckless on the internet
That Malcolm X philosophy of talking violence and doing nothing aint going to get you nowhere in this country but on a list.

Somewhat right. The Civil Rights movement was successful because black people came together and took money away from white people's pockets. They used simple economics to fight white supremacy and it worked for the most part. Too bad we didn't take the time to learn our own lesson .

Malcolm X actually didn't believe in unfocused and random "violence" he believed in SELF DEFENSE. He believed that if a person attacks you and your community you should defend it. He never intended to use violence to go to war with those who supported white supremacy.
Impossible to be a black supremacist. Black people don't run this world, so what exactly happens in this black supremacy movement? I don't think you even understand what supremacy means if you are willing to say ANY person of color is a supremacist. You have to have some sort of power to reign supreme don't you think? 8)
Somewhat right. The Civil Rights movement was successful because black people came together and took money away from white people's pockets. They used simple economics to fight white supremacy and it worked for the most part. Too bad we didn't take the time to learn our own lesson .

Malcolm X actually didn't believe in unfocused and random "violence" he believed in SELF DEFENSE. He believed that if a person attacks you and your community you should defend it. He never intended to use violence to go to war with those who supported white supremacy.

Nevermind Looneytune I mean cartune. This is what I'm getting at. This is the bigger picture.
I have the first Hidden Colors and I listen to Tariq every week and will continue to but there is an underlying current of it in both.
Overall I like like what Tariq is doing because even though I think there is supremist undertones the info still needs to be out there. I just wish there was a more objective presentation.
The underlying current is we are not as stupid, inferior, incapable as "they" have convinced the world we are. I mean what is the issue with that? I take it as saying we are better than what we are shown as. If you somehow take it as him saying blacks are better than anyone, cool. I don't see it that way.
Impossible to be a black supremacist. Black people don't run this world, so what exactly happens in this black supremacy movement? I don't think you even understand what supremacy means if you are willing to say ANY person of color is a supremacist. You have to have some sort of power to reign supreme don't you think? 8)

That is the equivalent of saying black people can't be racist.

A ton of white supremancists drop that "I'm not racist I'm just proud of my color/heritage" BS

Tariq drops knowledge period but sprinkles in that rhetoric here and there.
I agree with the black people can't racist. What power do they hold to cockblock another race from moving up in THEIR world.

The ONLY definition of racism that matters is the following:

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

That system is not in favor of anyone but you know who. So if you can't hold a group back, then you can't be considered racist.

Bigotry is a different story.

Women can't be sexist.

The oppressed is not the "ist."
I agree with the black people can't racist. What power do they hold to cockblock another race from moving up in THEIR world.

The ONLY definition of racism that matters is the following:
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
That system is not in favor of anyone but you know who. So if you can't hold a group back, then you can't be considered racist.

Bigotry is a different story.

Women can't be sexist.

The oppressed is not the "ist."

You don't even believe this.

I'm not saying Tariq is racist, because he isn't, but you know damn well this is a fallacy.

I read this today and it sums it up perfectly:

"Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others."

I do believe it. If you don't believe me, put me on a lie detector test.
Oh wow! A lie detector test? Not that... NEVER that! 

You sound foolish.

You don't have to be in a position of power to hate someone based on their race. 
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And black supremacy is a belief white man can't stop u from believing something. stop with the inferiority complex
Tariq always had an agenda
I listen to his podcast every week & he brings race into everything.

Everyone has an agenda and a motivation to do things, but the tone of your post indicates you feel Tariq's agenda is bad or negative. The guy is very candid in everything he does so IF he does have a negative agenda he does not hide it.

And since when is bringing up race considered a negative thing? How is that considered an evil agenda? Furthermore, If you don't like what the man has to say and feel his intentions are bad why do you listen EVERY week?

The film Hidden Colors is about the African RACE... does that make it part of his "negative" agenda?

Why even focus on what you feel is negative? Can you even acknowledge the good this film can do? The film's purpose is very positive and was made to educate people about the true history of African people. Nothing more, nothing less...
Oh wow! A lie detector test? Not that... NEVER that! :rofl:

You sound foolish.

You don't have to be in a position of power to hate someone based on their race. 

You are 100% right. You don't have to be in a position of power to HATE someone. BUT hating someone because of their race, sex, religious beliefs, etc is not being racist. That is called being PREJUDICE.

You have to be in a position of power to practice racism and racial discrimination. Black people in this country only have a VERY small percentage of wealth (.05% to be exact), and therefore we don't have the power to practice racism. The vast majority of the power in this country is in the hands of white owned company's and businesses. They can enact laws and other policy that negatively impact another race.
You are 100% right. You don't have to be in a position of power to HATE someone. BUT hating someone because of their race, sex, religious beliefs, etc is not being racist. That is called being PREJUDICE.
You have to be in a position of power to practice racism and racial discrimination. Black people in this country only have a VERY small percentage of wealth (.05% to be exact), and therefore we don't have the power to practice racism. The vast majority of the power in this country is in the hands of white owned company's and businesses. They can enact laws and other policy that negatively impact another race.

There it is. Also in this day and age it amazes me that some folks still don't know the difference between prejudice and racism.
I find it interesting that despite the keys to the psychological locks being handed to you that are inflicted upon us at birth and continuously propagated on us throughout our experience you guys are still arguing over the most useless and meaningless point of this whole gold mine of information being presented. Which makes one wonder if it really matters if you know that your ancestors are kings and queens and the cultivators of civilization if at the end of the day all you really care about is discussing oppression still. What's even funnier is that simple fact that in reality European history is just as much as yours as African history is. Basically if everyone comes from the same family and the only thing that separates us is the presence and appearance of melanin in the skin human history and racism is nothing more than siblings fighting amongst each other like children. One sibling went away for awhile dealt with an extremely horrid reality of living under the earth trying to escape extreme cold in caves away from the rays of the sun and in that coldness he developed a complimentary coldness in his heart and savagery that was needed to survive in which he inflicted on his brother who by all accounts didn't expect it and was in much greater an environment to enjoy so he didn't develop the hate and malice in his heart of his lighter brother. The white cold brother fought with his Brown brother and seemingly won so he was able to develope a social paradigm in his image while completely erasing the image of his darker brothers who due to his freedom and disposition was able to move about the earth and cultivate art,chemistry,science and great structures.. The darker brother is now living in a society that is ran by his lighter brother and by all intents and purposes progress HAS been made and all the tools to set himself up for the ultimate victory and freedom are at his fingertips but yet and still he would rather still cry about when his brother punched him in the mouth and he never quite recovered even tho the only healing can be made by him. Take pride in your history kings but understand that there is not a man on this earth that is not your kin. Until you realize this fact you are nothing more than a sleeping giant. I get why it's important to appreciate those that look like you and came before and to have a reference point but what difference does it make if the whole time you discovery your history your pointing at your current "oppressor" screaming "see I knew I was great and you lied to me, you stole everything from me you *****"? Kind of dilutes the whole point of SELF discovery.

Oh and that wall of text is for my haters. I'm laying in bed typing on my phone I'm not spacing ****.
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