Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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screen name to post content is nuclear
Is this a Georgia type thing where they’re also doing more tein a Single day then they were Previously in aweek since opening ?


is the testing consistent
It's difficult to interpret properly. I compared today to a week ago for Texas. Both the number of tests and the number of positives roughly doubled. The % positive was actually lower today than a week ago.

But it also doesn't necessarily mean that double the tests means double the positives. In NYC, when they didn't have enough tests, their % positive was 50. If the testing doubled, the 50 wasn't going to stay at 50 but it wasn't going to fall to 25 either. The reason is that the most likely people to be infected are going to get tested first. How that falls off as you increase testing is complicated and depends on multiple factors.

it's all about testing. Cases alone mean nothing. I hear so many politicians talk about an increase in cases. But dont mention testing numbers. Cases don't tell us much anymore. It's assumed to be out there. Is Texas ready with beds and incoming patients? Sadly hospitalizations and deaths tell a better story than cases alone.
Exactly. Deaths are still dependent on testing levels but much less so. The fault with deaths is that they lag behind the other numbers by a couple weeks. So if for example we want to know if easing a lockdown today is leading to more deaths, we really need to wait until mid-June to begin to get an accurate assessment.

I think this is a good resource because it accounts for testing and tries to say if the virus is actually increasing or decreasing in each state. At some point I need to read up on the actual model that they're using though: https://rt.live/
from what i've learned, a lot of people still don't think this is serious
it's crazy i've met a lot of people who forreal have no understanding of what is really going on so it's no surprise people are out here moving like this

Bruh, one of my dudes was in our group chat the other day saying 'damn, governor extended the shutdown...this corona **** getting real out here'


I'm like bruh 80k+ people have died in 2.5 months. This **** been real. Are you *** serious?

'oh damn, yeah bro..you right.'

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This could be huge for people who rent as well as for landlords. If more companies like twitter offer remote work and start shutting down offices, the desire to live there will drop significantly.

You can pay $3k to live in a modest apartment in San Fran, or you can move to a state where you can buy a huge crib for $2k mortgage while making the same salary. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds.
****, I'm about to see what Twitter is talking about and I'm playing to go back to Florida when this is over lol. Major companies need to offer more remote
****, I'm about to see what Twitter is talking about and I'm playing to go back to Florida when this is over lol. Major companies need to offer more remote
Yea and getting gig at a major company will become a **** show. If they employer doesn’t recruit from a local talent pool, then you have to compete with all of planet earth for a job.
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