Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Not to mentioned WHO talking about the demand of surgical mask ... wtf is it??

Na B, just wash your ***. U b straigh be ...

Put a little vic's to open the airways, and a little ginger ale for the pain.

and then the “well the flu kills more” thing

I’m 31 years old and have never seen this kind of response to the flu
My hospital on some Trump Admin steez, trying hard to keep a lid on it, keeping most staff in the dark and picking out slowly those in direct contact, too bad Cuomo BLASTED them on National TV....it’s really sad when you are exposed to the politics of a big hospital....we as the healthcare workers are on the front lines and we find ourselves scrambling for the proper masks...whatevs, I’ll keep ya posted, but please don’t be foolish to not take this serious, I won’t disclose much about the patient, but this **** is pretty aggressive if not treated fast...all I will say...it’s all a joke, till it isn’t.

Are you in NYC? You mentioned 2nd confirmed but wasnt sure. Be safe
I was within 2ft of the second confirmed case at work the other night...he wasn’t my patient that night so I wasn’t in direct contact, but a handful of my coworkers were quarantined today who actually treated him...this virus is VERY aggressive y’all....
Someone i work directly with has a child in the same school as the second confirmed case. The school was closed because of that and he strolled into work this morning.
Shouldn't authorities be isolating any kids and parents from that school right now and testing them instead of letting them go about freely?
Also reported that he is in serious condition but no reports that he had underlying conditions. This could be an otherwise healthy 50 year old man for all we know.
unless japan becomes a level 4, im losing money again.
mind you this will be my 2nd time cancelling a flight out there in the last month
Isnt there travel insurance you can purchase from a third party that will cover you for this?
Depending on their sales policies Airlines must be mindful of possible lawsuits for not refundng customers money for flights where there is a state of emergency happening.
Have y’all been going to the gym? It’s been in the 30s and sunny enough here in utah to run outside but I haven’t stepped foot in my gym the past 2 weeks.
NEW: U.S. death toll from coronavirus rises to 7 after Washington resident who died 6 days ago was found to have been infected - NYT

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Have y’all been going to the gym? It’s been in the 30s and sunny enough here in utah to run outside but I haven’t stepped foot in my gym the past 2 weeks.
Hell no havent been to the gym since like january when this thing broke out. Gyms are some of the most unsanitary public places.
its bulkin Szn.
plus there are plenty of youtube videos for hme workouts.
Really seems to me that there they should call for a national shut down. The virus has unknowingly spread for at least a week now. Try to isolate everyone and have folks report to the hospital as needed.

Reading the article about the person who died in Washington. They were in the ICU unknowingly vartying thr virus. Anyone who treated that person was potentially exposed. And those folks have been walking around since the potential exposure since Feb 24th. Who knows who else they have infected. And this scenario has probably played out in all 15 states where the virus has been confirmed. Who knows how many have flown with it. Etc...

Best thing to do now is to shut down.
Really seems to me that there they should call for a national shut down. The virus has unknowingly spread for at least a week now. Try to isolate everyone and have folks report to the hospital as needed.

Reading the article about the person who died in Washington. They were in the ICU unknowingly vartying thr virus. Anyone who treated that person was potentially exposed. And those folks have been walking around since the potential exposure since Feb 24th. Who knows who else they have infected. And this scenario has probably played out in all 15 states where the virus has been confirmed. Who knows how many have flown with it. Etc...

Best thing to do now is to shut down.
Trump ain’t gonna do **** cause it’ll impact the economy. Like a lot of people said before he got elected, this idiot is gonna get people killed.
crazy i was just there two years ago, along with that french town near the alps that is infected. it is all too surreal.

I am currently in Dubai at the moment. I have a flight back home in the morning. I will be arriving at the airport right on time to prevent any long duration at DXB.
I was within 2ft of the second confirmed case at work the other night...he wasn’t my patient that night so I wasn’t in direct contact, but a handful of my coworkers were quarantined today who actually treated him...this virus is VERY aggressive y’all....
Whoa, too close for comfort. Wishing you and your coworkers all the best. Is it the hospital’s policy to quarantine anyone who treats a c19 patient, because if so they’ll run out of employees real quick.
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