Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My boy works at Bloomberg in NYC and they told him to work from home until further notice. Won't be surprised if a lot of offices with work that can be done from home follow suit
All you people out there who were trying to pinpoint when the economy would crash...now you have your answer. It will happen a lot sooner than you thought. This virus will be the catalyst they will use to cause the crash. Airplanes empty, less oil being used, this won’t end well...
I had to read an article from an outside source that 10 students from my school are being self quarantined
All you people out there who were trying to pinpoint when the economy would crash...now you have your answer. It will happen a lot sooner than you thought. This virus will be the catalyst they will use to cause the crash. Airplanes empty, less oil being used, this won’t end well...

Nah. The Crash will come after FED neg rates, QE7, FED direct investments, FED helicopter money...they still have 1 "bazooka" and 1 mag left in their arsenal. Also, too much institutional cash sitting on the sidelines waiting for new lows to be put to work.

We also will have global central banks work in unison with our FED to prop up our phony markets. Kuroda, Lagarde, Powell, Zhou, IMF, World Bank will have printers at the ready.
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