Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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After Walgreens cancelled me, had appointments for walmart tomorrow but called and said cause of storm they have no doses and wont have any till March 6th. Said i wont have to book online again and they’ll call me. So hopefully in couple weeks but the whole rollout has been sad
What's the timeframe for the boosters to be developed?

I sincerely hope they don't have to redo phase 1,2,3 trials from scratch and wait for results. By then, there would be new variants that make those boosters obsolete. Ideally over the next several years, the genetic code of variants of concern should automatically be incorporated into multi-valent vaccines that are given on an ongoing basis and populations should automatically be eligible to receive the updated booster dose at regular (12 month?) intervals as long as everyone else who wants one has gotten theirs. The problem is that it is likely to take many years to vaccinate the entire world population and it wouldn't be fair for people in the US to be receiving booster doses while people are dying in other parts of the world because they never got their first doses. I've been seeing more discussion of universal coronavirus vaccines becoming a reality, but it's hard to get too excited about that when they've been talking about universal influenza vaccines for MUCH longer with no real results.

Now is the time to be optimistic. We're almost through it. Double-down on social distancing these next two months, get us up to 3 million vaccine doses per day, and remind people every day that we are on track to be largely through this pandemic by June.

Biden talking about potentially returning to normal by Christmas is the wrong message. That's just going to discourage people if they think we have to live like hermits for another year.

Sure, this could change. We could see new variants or other issues pop up. But that's the exception, not the expectation. Just like last year the expectation was that covid would shut us down for a year and kill hundreds of thousands, the expectation now is that we will be in a good spot by summer. Worst case, we fail and fall back to what we've been doing. But our best hope of beating this now is to double-down on the optimism and encourage everybody to get the vaccine and hold out from parties and indoor dining for a few more weeks, not another year.

here's what biden said:

"overpromising" would be telling people that the numbers are down and we should reopen everything right now. Reality is saying that if we wait two months and vaccinate 100 million more people as fast as possible then in June we can reopen everything. Pessimism and fear is saying we should wait until next winter to think about life getting better.
my boy and NT’er arbys2k arbys2k has been out of the hospital and is still recuperating at home. this **** ain’t no joke.

here’s part of an email from my son’s school. 95% of the staff are fully vaccinated, zero covid cases on campus, and they are going to start doing testing on campus. one of the few times my wife and i feel like we’re not getting ripped off paying big tuition 😂

Serious discussion only. How confident and safe do you feel about the vaccine? I'm no anti-vaxer (I'm vaccinated for everything. Polio, tetanus etc, all of them) so don't come at me with that.
But does it ever give you concern this one was rolled out in roughly one year's time and literally nobody will know what the long term repercussions may be, if any?
Serious discussion only. How confident and safe do you feel about the vaccine? I'm no anti-vaxer (I'm vaccinated for everything. Polio, tetanus etc, all of them) so don't come at me with that.
But does it ever give you concern this one was rolled out in roughly one year's time and literally nobody will know what the long term repercussions may be, if any?
Zero concerns about long term repercussions from the vaccine. I’d feel a lot more concerned about long term issues if I caught the virus, TBH.
My understanding is that the payload (mRNA encoding the coronavirus spike protein) was relatively straightforward to come up with and there isn't much guesswork here. Scientists just had to look at what antibodies were circulating in patients who recovered from covid-19 and then isolate the ones that are best at neutralizing the virus. Granted, "straightforward" is only a result of decades of work to develop the technologies, but we're at a point now where this can be done pretty quickly.

The trickier part is how to deliver the mRNA so that it is taken up efficiently and elicits a strong host response without being immunogenic itself. But this is something these companies have been developing for years already, so it was just a matter of plugging in the desired mRNA into the packages they had already optimized (and already used for dozens of clinical trials).

Granted, the immune system is complex and it is hard to predict exactly how the body will react, but it mostly boils down to two questions: 1) Will there be an acute overreaction of the body to the vaccine? This would show up pretty quickly and this is already answered in the clinical trials. 2) Will the immune system's response to the vaccine be strong and long-lasting enough to confer meaningful immunity? From the trials, we know the answer is yes, both by directly measuring antibodies but also by looking at the reduction in disease frequency and severity over the course of months. Whether the vaccine will confer protection for years or decades, that's what we don't know. And we don't know for sure what'll happen when new variants of covid-19 arise, but the evidence indicates the vaccine is still protective but maybe not 95% protective (which is already insanely high for any vaccine).
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After Walgreens cancelled me, had appointments for walmart tomorrow but called and said cause of storm they have no doses and wont have any till March 6th. Said i wont have to book online again and they’ll call me. So hopefully in couple weeks but the whole rollout has been sad
Bruh my mom got her shot almost 4 weeks ago and theres a shortage of doses in LA so she hasnt been able to get her next shot smh

they keep fumbling
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