Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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What kind of precautions and risks does she take? Good masks, indoor dining, work in crowded indoor environment, etc? Or does she know where she got infected?
She works from home and when go out for anything (doctors appointments, grocery shopping) she’s masked up. We think she caught it from a sorority event they had. Small gathering. And we think someone had it before coming and didn’t stay home cause suspiciously when she tells emails the org to tell her sisters she has it, someone else rolls up like oh yeah I got it too and tested positive earlier. People are trash.
can confirm here at my hospital the emergency room is full with sick kids with omarion
christmas is gonna be crazy cause i don't think people have the will power anymore to isolate themselves. i'm not blaming them either...we all need family right now.
but everyone saying it's not that bad, which may be true, isn't helping the hospitals at all cause it's just making everyone more relaxed when they shouldn't be.
no one in public is masked up down here :smh:
can confirm here at my hospital the emergency room is full with sick kids with omarion
christmas is gonna be crazy cause i don't think people have the will power anymore to isolate themselves. i'm not blaming them either...we all need family right now.
but everyone saying it's not that bad, which may be true, isn't helping the hospitals at all cause it's just making everyone more relaxed when they shouldn't be.
no one in public is masked up down here :smh:
Do you work in the ER? If so, what kind of symptoms do these kids have? It’s been my experience when I’ve had to take my kids in for actual emergencies that other parents around here just use the ER as urgent care and bring their sick kids in for things that most competent parents would treat at home.
Do you work in the ER? If so, what kind of symptoms do these kids have? It’s been my experience when I’ve had to take my kids in for actual emergencies that other parents around here just use the ER as urgent care and bring their sick kids in for things that most competent parents would treat at home.
i don't work in er but i have to do procedures on er patients daily. i work in interventional radiology.
from what i've seen it's a lot more of the usual. flu like symptoms...lots of labored breathing problems. kids are constantly getting breathing treatments.
a weird symptom we've seen since the beginning of this pandemic, is an unprecedented amount of ruptured appendixes in children. our hospital is currently doing the research now, but there is evidence of a strong correlation in the rise of covid and the number of these cases we are seeing. i'm sure we will see some published studies in the future about the effects of covid on the GI tract.

and yes there are many parents who def take their kids to the hospital when they don't need to. i can't blame them though with all the different things going around. right now the flu, rsv, stomach virus, post covid symptoms, and now omarion are taking a toll on the youth. it's a tough spot to be in cause there are a lot of kids who are sick right now so they are just being careful. it's just that bringing your kids in to the hospital, especially the ER, puts them at a lot of risk cause of all the sick kids they will be sitting around for numerous hours.
a side note my wife and i are having a baby any minute now and the hospital is constantly changing their policy on how many people and who can be there during the birth. it's tough trying to plan this out especially since we both work in health care. we had an induction date of the 26th but they just told us like a couple hours ago that the induction date is cancelled because 9 labor and delivery nurses are out because of covid. stressful times to say the least
Suggested to my wife that we should steer clear of her family's Christmas party due to the amount of people and kids going. I thought she was going to fight back, but she was totally on board.
So we'll just visit her parents for lunch and then go to my parents for dinner on Christmas day.
That vaccine pill may be what's good.

Two years into this thing and they're still having to explain the merits of the vaccine to low information individuals.

Nothing makes me think that treatment/protection in pill form will change very many people's minds considering that its a THIRTY PILL TREATMENT over the course of 5 days.
Via Bloomberg:
On Wednesday, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first antiviral pill to treat COVID-19, a move that gives doctors another tool to fight the disease. The treatment, made by Pfizer, curbs the risk of hospitalization and death in high-risk patients infected with the coronavirus.
Called Paxlovid, the treatment includes 30 pills taken at home over five days. It has to be started within a few days of symptoms — which could be a challenge in the United States, where it may be difficult for many people to get a COVID-19 test, a result, and see a doctor for a prescription in that window.
Shocked at that Trumpito interview. Some of his followers def feel betrayed.

Had a employee party of around 20. Everyone vaxxed. Around 6 tested positive 3 days later. I have the basic mild symptoms (sore throat, cough, fatigue, muscle pain) but keep testing negative. Got tested just now again rapid negative again, waiting on PCR tomorrow. Maybe something else is going around too who knows.
Rsv was hitting pretty hard mid to late summer. Why the incessant need or desire to be positive? You’re still sick and contagious even if it’s a flu. People refuse (or simply can’t) stay home when sick.
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