Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My work still staying open as of now. Schools shutting down as well as most day cares so parents are stressing on what to do because most don't have enough PTO or sick time to cover it and who knows how long the shut down may last. Meanwhile we are being told to stay positive like they believe we will overcome this virus with positivity, so much denial on what is actually happening. Everyone around me here it seems is sick and legally we can't ask people their symptoms or tell them to go home.

The final boss. :lol:
Only 10 or so documented cases I think in MN so people aren't really trippin yet but all events are cancelled. I came into work today. The girl that sits behind me has been out all week and there's none else that sits within 15 feet from me.
They really need to send us DC federal employees home. I'm stuck here at work chillin and most people here are actually using their PTO hours.
I mean all it took was a highly contagious strain of flu that doesn't currently have a vaccine to illustrate on a wide scale the disparities in American citizens in the education systems, health care, and financial stability. It's not like we told yall or anything.

a 30 oz bottle too?!?!?!

$50 on eBay. When they allowed it.

This is why I don't even get mad at sneaker resellers anymore. People will flip anything for profit...they would sell their mothers left arm if they could make a dollar off of it.
What’s more chilling than the 40% - 70% number is the fact people are stil downplaying this and putting temporary pleasure like concerts over this. There’s going to be a time where something much more fatal like the avian flu but more transmissible comes along. With this mentality there ain’t no hope
If bees, white giraffes, rhinos, polar bears, and dolphins get to finally flourish because of our stupidity then so be it |l
RUMORS SWIRLING...All travel banned domestic and foreign - announcement expected from President Trump at 3pm
What’s more chilling than the 40% - 70% number is the fact people are stil downplaying this and putting temporary pleasure like concerts over this. There’s going to be a time where something much more fatal like the avian flu but more transmissible comes along. With this mentality there ain’t no hope
we live in a world where ppl still raw doggin randos left and right
there aint been hope since eve took a bite of the apple
So many millennials are gonna be identified as infected next week due to St Patty’s Day festivities tomorrow. Book it |l

Facts, we had a group of 40, down to 25 who still raging tomorrow. I have to pass, most them don't live here in chi or their parents not here, my in laws here, don't wanna risk it. It's so many unknowns with this, that's the scary part.
I stay inside on St Patrick’s Day regardless. The worst of humanity come out for it every year. Only thing worse is Santa Con

You’re in the Bay, right? They do SantaCon over there? I’ve only done it once in NYC when I was like 24. Never again after that :lol: St. Patty’s Day I did until about 26. Retired after that. It’s just way too much bruh and I don’t want to deal with all the BS.
You’re in the Bay, right? They do SantaCon over there? I’ve only done it once in NYC when I was like 24. Never again after that :lol: St. Patty’s Day I did until about 26. Retired after that. It’s just way too much bruh and I don’t want to deal with all the BS.

santacon SF is THE WORST. It used to be cool 10 years ago; now it’s just infested with “bros”, alcoholics, racists, etc. that feel entitled to turn parts of the city into complete chaos.
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