Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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******LONG READ*******

Be careful out there. I too contracted COVID as a result of not taking it serious. Not blaming anyone, that was my own fault.

I showed no symptoms whatsoever. I had a a cold, but I chalked that up to a post performance syndrome from a play I did. Usually when you're in rehearsal for a play, you're working late into the night to put together a show. You're not resting and in my case, you're also not going to the gym as much. So your immune system gets weak. When the run of the play starts, your stage health kicks in. It's basically adrenaline that carries you through the run. However, when you take that final bow on final curtain, your body is like "Alright brother, time to face the music." So that's what I thought that was. So for two weeks I'm fighting this cold and it starts to go away. Cool. My fiancé however, she's feeling sick. She's goes to the ER twice. Then one night I take my temp and I'm at 102.00. I lost smell and taste. Like whenever we sprayed disinfectant, I couldn't smell the fragrance, I could only smell what I could only describe as a hospital smell. My taste palettes were so OFF. I could only taste the bitters and the salts, and they were very offensive. Because of that I only drank protein shakes which resulted in me losing 24lbs in one week (not complaining on that one). Not to get too personal, I also lost all sexual desires. I dunno why. Like nothing turned me on. An erection was not happening. My lung capacity dropped. I would say about 5-10%.

So we both decide to go to City MD. We get there, we're placed in separate rooms. They swab my nose for a flu test, negative, but my blood pressure is through the roof. So they call an ambulance. They take my pressure again, but it's normal. Turns out City MD's machine's were off. So my fiancé and I both go to the ER, she's following the ambulance in her car. We get there, immediately seen. The PA asks us some questions. He's wearing some Outbreak Area 51 suit. Unbeknownst to me they gave my fiancé a COVID test at City MD. The give us both a chest X-rays. One of the doctors comes out and he basically tells us that he knows we have COVID and the rule is they don't want to administer a test when they it's clear that the person has it. He also informed us based on our X-rays, we have pneumonia, which is a result of COVID. We get sent home, my fiancé gets antibiotics and pills for nausea, I get an inhaler. I don't have insurance, so at this point I'm like "let it go to creditors and figure it out." The woman at registration tells me that since this is a COVID related issue, the government will cover it. THEY'D BETTER!

Next day, my stomach is killing me. Like something is in there. I try drinking tea to induce vomiting. I'm also camping out on the toilet to see if I could get out the other way. No dice. Then I thought to myself, that I may have an ulcer. So I go back to the ER. They take my vitals and have me wait. They finally call my name. They put me on a bed. They hook me up to a machine. They're going crazy because, my blood pressure is giving off two different readings on the machines. Also my oxygen intake is a bit low. They hook me up to an IV with saline and antibiotics, they take my blood and then they finally do a COVID test. For those who have never had a flu swab before, what they do is they take a long Q-tip and stick up your nasal cavity. Stick your pinky in your nose up until your finger nail is completely in your nose, and then some. That's how far they go in. With a COVID test, they go FURTHER up and its like this small metal apparatus. Not comfortable. At this time, the antibiotics are working and my stomach pains have resolved. They have me drink this dye (taste horrible even with the crystal light) so they can get a better look at my stomach when they run the CAT Scan. They found nothing, great!

They send me home, this time with a prescription for antibiotics and nausea pills. Again, I don't have insurance, so 6 antibiotic bills and 12 nausea pills, $138.00. I get home, the ER calls me and tells me that I have a bill for $14K. I told them it's COVID related, "it's not my fault, talk to your president." I'm not paying that bill.

So for a week and change, my fiancé and I quarantined within the quarantine. She got the bedroom and I slept in the living room and we made sure to disinfect the common areas. As of now, I'm doing better than she is, however I'm not getting gassed. We don't know how this virus works, so I don't consider myself out of the woods just yet, but I'm doing better. I can smell again, food taste awesome and erections are back.

My advice to you all is, IF........... YOU HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE, wear a mask. When you've returned home, disinfect your phone and WASH YOUR HANDS. Wash them for 20 seconds. Place your outside clothes in a pile in a corner. For example, I have a designated COVID outfit. That's what I'm going to wear until this thing goes away. Every time I come home from a grocery run, I go into the second bedroom and remove those clothes and keep them in a corner, wash my hands and then put on my house clothes. Hope this helps. Thank you for the read.
glad the erections are back brother!


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21M personal phones in China vanished along with its owners

not that China isn´t hiding the real numbers but this specific correlation is widely believed false.

the drop in carrier subscriptions is attributed to migrant worker movement and long-term hospitalization.

also hard to pay your phone bill when you don´t have a job.

please evaluate your sources more thoroughly in future, misinformation kills...enjoy your day, cousin.

...pretty sure Houston is the city that evaluated a homeless man for COVID, got a positive result, and released him back onto the street to touch everything in town because he didn´t have insurance soooooooo

wait lemme source that:

A homeless man who tested positive for COVID-19 was treated and released from St. Joseph’s Medical Center. He landed back on the streets of Houston.

Harris County officials said it’s a situation they're trying to prevent.

There were homeless advocates who knew about the man and were working to get him a place to stay, but the hospital released him with nowhere to go.
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Biotest AG: Biotest is developing with Trimodulin a COVID-19 therapy for patients with a severe course of the disease
Univ of pittsburg getting some leads on possible vaccination? Antibodies in mice were prevalent allegedly
I wouldn’t get too excited about preclinical mouse data. They’ve cured a lot of diseases in mice over the years, and doesn’t usually mean it will work in human.
been on paternity leave for my twins during all this. going to back to work monday at my costco pharmacy. bought these over the summer during the california wildfiires for when they cut our power and we have no house ventilation. but now it's time to un-ds these.


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