Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Mine would probably attempt murder. She's so sensitive EVERYWHERE. I'm always getting elbowed and kicked :lol:
Whole lotta 🍆🏇

Y'all want a DM with my D next to a ruler just say it. Done told y'all these females tryna get to another dimension:lol:
I'm 31

For whatever reason, I had never approached a random woman before

By "random" I mean like "on the street"

I had always met them through shared social activities like class or a hobby or something like that

This week I've approached two randos on the street (currently batting 500%). I know I'm late to the party but it's better than hinge

But for anybody else born in the 90s it may be good to hear that sometimes what we learn to do online can translate to the real world

One of the most motivating things ( to get over the hump of being scared to approach in public was) watching a corny video on YouTube of some dude "approaching women in the street"

I hear a lot of hate about what you do online translating to real life but not the same amount about how the internet can improve your real life

But dude this was so cool - I had SEEN this chick on hinge but didn't accept her match yet (didn't reject either just left her there for a bit)

And then I was walking around in the mission and I saw her IRL and it was so much easier to approach

And tomorrow we're going to see a band I love - concert dates btw can be very cool I've realized this as well

I feel like I discovered the future - learn that they exist online but meet them serendipitously in person

That's probably a ****ty startup idea but still - it feels more interesting to me because of the novelty of it

I had actually been trying to arrange this with a diff gal on hinge (we talk about this farmers market nearby and we mentioned how we could accidentally meet there)

Also another cool thing about this is that sometimes the people who seem the coolest online aren't that cool in person

But the opposite is true too - I learned that today - not everyone's photogenic or takes pictures often

You might see her profile and think she's bad and then you meet her and she's annoying

And, on the other hand, you may think she's on the fence between "smash or pass" based on her profile but then irl she's actually cool

I think this is a roundabout way of saying "personality matters" and it doesn't always map from online to life

Don't hold it against me - I'm an extrovert and meeting new people is fun

And, trying new stuff is good for you

Live long and prosper, NT


Was probably a set up anyways, or just tell yourself that

I mean it wasn’t our first conversation. One of those when she stops replying.

Couldn’t rob me in my apartment if she wanted to. 3 different security checks until you can even get to my door.

Oh well 🤷🏾‍♂️
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