Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Legit if she's that much of a bird I woulda played along with that. "yea i'm into cheating and all that stuff, pretty toxic myself"
30 dates comes out to less than $25 dollars by my calculations
I def spent a lot during the 30 dates but a lot of them were coffee dates. Meet up at a local park or downtown area or happy hour, or a cheap bar, so I saved a lot of money. Def gotta be strategic w the dating to save $
Spending $15 to $17 each for two cocktails + tip is really not that big of a deal for a first date. Worst case you’re not vibing with the chick and y’all part ways after one drink and you’re out of a whopping $40-$50. Coffee is cool too, but having a little alcohol involved helps everyone loosen up a bit which I view as a positive. I wouldn’t be ordering multiple rounds of drinks if the vibe was off though :lol:

I’ve also had women offer to cover a round of drinks if we extend things or decide to go somewhere else.

My conundrum is that based on my schedule I can’t really get coffee because my only free morning is Sunday and beyond wanting to try and sleep in, I know I would have slim to no chance of smashing if that was even on the table. Weekdays is pretty much straight from work to dates then Saturday I usually have stuff going on but everyone has to eat so dinner always made sense.

Since these dinners are usually on Thurs - Sat night it always turns into drinks after. Not always smashing but due to the quality and duration of the first date, if it’s on a Thurs or Fri, most of the time they exercise the option to do something the following night and **** gets popping.

So 30 first dates would easily run me a couple racks on food and drinks :sick:
I wanna say 30 first dates in a year is wild but it’s really not. And doing ish off Groupon or hitting legit happy hours (not $1 off rail drinks) would probably be what I do the most.

Sounds extremely exhausting tbh
Nah, you didn’t hear about that dude in NY that got kidnapped and held hostage doing this?


No "safe" options. Not even a hotel.

Character analysis, due diligence, and good decision making, are a must.

Even then...better to run from her house / hotel than run from my own.

No "safe" options. Not even a hotel.

Character analysis, due diligence, and good decision making, are a must.

Even then...better to run from her house / hotel than run from my own.

You and cragmatic cragmatic piqued my interest so I Googled the incident to read about it and increase my awareness and :wow: :wow: :wow:

This was just in March too. It is an unfortunate situation and I hope he is okay but he entirely set himself up by posting racks for the Gram :smh:

This part of the article may have been the most ridiculous. The judge ordered for her be remanded in custody but “Her defense attorney pleaded that she be released noting that she lived with her mother and brother while working full time in a dentist's office.” Soooo she kidnapped and almost murdered a man in an attempt to extort him but she should be let go on bail because she has a mom, brother and job at a dentist office :rofl:
30 in a year is alot but not at same time. I remember in my prime days on the app i was going on 3-4 dates a week. Atl is a hot spot.
Not every chick you meet or talk to deserves a date, that’s all I can say bout the 30 dates :lol: :smh:
I hated talking on the phone or texting so i would set up dates quick. By the end of the initial match convo i would have a date set. Majority of them should have been quick FT call smh but hey 🤷🏾‍♂️😂.

Alot of women tend to flake on the apps as well so it was a numbers game for sure.
You and cragmatic cragmatic piqued my interest so I Googled the incident to read about it and increase my awareness and :wow: :wow: :wow:

This was just in March too. It is an unfortunate situation and I hope he is okay but he entirely set himself up by posting racks for the Gram :smh:

This part of the article may have been the most ridiculous. The judge ordered for her be remanded in custody but “Her defense attorney pleaded that she be released noting that she lived with her mother and brother while working full time in a dentist's office.” Soooo she kidnapped and almost murdered a man in an attempt to extort him but she should be let go on bail because she has a mom, brother and job at a dentist office :rofl:
If a shorty ever told me to meet her in the bronx, I’m coming with the army brigade.

"While they drove his car to the bank, the unknown male continued to have the gun out and provide instructions for the victim," police mentioned in their report. "The victim stated $900 was taken from Chase Bank on Sept. 17 from the drive through and a total of $3,000 had been taken from his account since the initial incident."​




Not every chick you meet or talk to deserves a date, that’s all I can say bout the 30 dates :lol: :smh:


Generally speaking, for me if its determined through conversation / observation that all a woman is willing or able to offer is sex, then there's absolutely no need / desire to take her out on a date (or have sex with her in the first place these days).

Cant get involved with women who have nothing to lose but their underwear and expect positive outcomes.

Cheaper always ends up being more expensive.

"While they drove his car to the bank, the unknown male continued to have the gun out and provide instructions for the victim," police mentioned in their report. "The victim stated $900 was taken from Chase Bank on Sept. 17 from the drive through and a total of $3,000 had been taken from his account since the initial incident."​




:wow: :wow: From the perspective of the male suitor, this story is more palatable. I could live with this since he didn’t get touched up, withdrew some money, got safely dumped and got his money back from the bank. Getting pistol whipped, gagged and bound, doused in lighter fluid and burned then sliced up, though?!?!

These people are the worst criminals out too. It was bad enough that they basically gave themselves but then they played Grand Theft Auto in real life….FOR ONLY $3900! :sick: :smh:

No "safe" options. Not even a hotel.

Character analysis, due diligence, and good decision making, are a must.

Even then...better to run from her house / hotel than run from my own.

Always gotta control the dwelling you’re at. None of that me driving to a random house or crib cause idk who’s in there. First at the house link Im picking the spot.

My current building you need a fob to get in to the building, to work the elevator AND get into the room. So it’s no sneaking in and if they get past that the GLOCK 40 waiting on them.

I need to get a bigger dog, I love my mini schnauzer but I want a Doberman or Rotty for protection too.
Final results from my swiping in Denver. (like 2 of the matches are from my hometown cause I’m traveling today for the holidays)

45 Matches in a little over 24 hrs. Decent prospects IMO. For context I swiped for the duration of 2 Power episodes on Hulu. So about 80 min of non stop swiping. Also didn’t send any comments on messages just like and kept it moving. Every woman isn’t my type but I swiped on what I thought most men would deem “attractive”.

Hinge should pay me b. But if you’re going to get the most out of the app you have to pay. It’s a numbers game. Still sitting with 1 match on Tinder and Bumble each cause they’re boost heavy apps.


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Always gotta control the dwelling you’re at. None of that me driving to a random house or crib cause idk who’s in there. First at the house link Im picking the spot.

My current building you need a fob to get in to the building, to work the elevator AND get into the room. So it’s no sneaking in and if they get past that the GLOCK 40 waiting on them.

I need to get a bigger dog, I love my mini schnauzer but I want a Doberman or Rotty for protection too.

I was with you until the Glock 40 and Doberman/Rottweiler :lol: I have multiple layers too but since I can only use the “3rd elevator” in my building which has extra surveillance I am Gucci unless it was like a team of trained operatives with an elaborate plan. But even with bringing girls over I also think about little stuff like how one time my ex’s roommate went home with a dude from the bar, not even sure if they smashed, woke up, realized she peed on his bed and was embarrassed, took $20 off his nightstand for a cab ride home. You’re not about to stain my Tempurpedic AND take my money famb :smh: :lol:

Final results from my swiping in Denver. (like 2 of the matches are from my hometown cause I’m traveling today for the holidays)

45 Matches in a little over 24 hrs. Decent prospects IMO. For context I swiped for the duration of 2 Power episodes on Hulu. So about 80 min of non stop swiping. Also didn’t send any comments on messages just like and kept it moving. Every woman isn’t my type but I swiped on what I thought most men would deem “attractive”.

Hinge should pay me b. But if you’re going to get the most out of the app you have to pay. It’s a numbers game. Still sitting with 1 match on Tinder and Bumble each cause they’re boost heavy apps.

I was with you until the Glock 40 and Doberman/Rottweiler :lol: I have multiple layers too but since I can only use the “3rd elevator” in my building which has extra surveillance I am Gucci unless it was like a team of trained operatives with an elaborate plan. But even with bringing girls over I also think about little stuff like how one time my ex’s roommate went home with a dude from the bar, not even sure if they smashed, woke up, realized she peed on his bed and was embarrassed, took $20 off his nightstand for a cab ride home. You’re not about to stain my Tempurpedic AND take my money famb :smh: :lol:


If you like the ratchets when you pull the Glocky out and put it on the bed stand it gets the juices flowing for them.

I could already tell WASHED KING WASHED KING is a dime.

Everyone on NT is High value and HANDSOME. All jokes aside I would say I’m like a 7, an 8 with a fresh retwist and cut.
If you like the ratchets when you pull the Glocky out and put it on the bed stand it gets the juices flowing for them.

Everyone on NT is High value and HANDSOME. All jokes aside I would say I’m like a 7, an 8 with a fresh retwist and cut.
Mane that ratchet crazy p is always the best. Be ready to choke them sexually and seriously

Apparently I’m being modest but I’ll say I’m a solid 5 and probably a 7 when I’m looking my absolute best
Mane that ratchet crazy p is always the best. Be ready to choke them sexually and seriously

Apparently I’m being modest but I’ll say I’m a solid 5 and probably a 7 when I’m looking my absolute best

A guy I went to grad school with always used to say he was a 5 with his shirt off, 7 with a suit on and 10 when his tab was open at the bar :lol:

But realistically no matter where you fall on the looks scale there are plenty of intangibles (charm, confidence, subscription owner to British Broadcasting Company, humor, money/wealth, connections, etc) that can 2-3 points to you looking at your best to get any man in the 9-10 range as a suitor IMO
Final results from my swiping in Denver. (like 2 of the matches are from my hometown cause I’m traveling today for the holidays)

45 Matches in a little over 24 hrs. Decent prospects IMO. For context I swiped for the duration of 2 Power episodes on Hulu. So about 80 min of non stop swiping. Also didn’t send any comments on messages just like and kept it moving. Every woman isn’t my type but I swiped on what I thought most men would deem “attractive”.

Hinge should pay me b. But if you’re going to get the most out of the app you have to pay. It’s a numbers game. Still sitting with 1 match on Tinder and Bumble each cause they’re boost heavy apps.
There's something about Elly, idk what it is, but I feel like she's a good person
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I ain’t use any apps when I was in Denver but I hit some club downtown where Gucci was showing up and this hookah spot, came up on some non snow joints and they was ready :lol: …It’s a good amount of East Africans there, had the Ethiopian and Somalian flavors out :evil:

I gotta remember the names see if they still even open
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