Hollywood actors, CEOs charged in nationwide college admissions cheating scam

A Florida Girl Had Her SAT Result Flagged. She Says She Didn't Cheat and Hires Famous Lawyer


Impressive to have a 3.1 GPA and pull off that score, unless she just didn't do homework.
Don’t you work in edu? pockets phat I bet

But I say non-issue because throughout life, people always pay a little extra to get ahead.

I don't think anyone that PAYS the money, for a little extra, should be the ones getting the negative pub, the people that accepted the bribe should.
Why mention the schools if it was lone wolfs employed by the schools? Sure theres always plausible deniability but seems like poor reporting to put the schools in the story.
Legit don’t care. Lol at some point we gotta let capitalism be capitalism. Rich ppl pay for stuff and screw the system. Deal with it

It eventually trickles down to the regular folks. When they realize that it's how kids get admitted, they will find who to pay off and how much, and **** will get worse. Happened in my country.

Corruption in education is so common there that our university degrees are essentially worthless.

You can't even work in other African countries with a degree from most Cameroonian schools, so a lot of kids are forced to leave the country to get skills and diplomas that will be recognized beyond our borders. The bad reputation of our system also affects those who went through it before accreditations got pulled.

It eventually trickles down to the regular folks. When they realize that it's how kids get admitted, they will find who to pay off and how much, and **** will get worse. Happened in my country.

Corruption in education is so common there that our university degrees are essentially worthless.

You can't even work in other African countries with a degree from most Cameroonian schools, so a lot of kids are forced to leave the country to get skills and diplomas that will be recognized beyond our borders. The bad reputation of our system also affects those who went through it before accreditations got pulled.

It's is Antidope, don't even try to reason with dude.

If someone thinks that corruption must be accepted in a capitialist society, they lost.

I mean the first model taught in every economics class is "perfect competition". The irony of that seems lost on so many what use "capitialism" as a excuse for corruption.

But like you pointed out, cronyism always trickles down to hurt regular folk.
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But I say non-issue because throughout life, people always pay a little extra to get ahead.

I don't think anyone that PAYS the money, for a little extra, should be the ones getting the negative pub, the people that accepted the bribe should.

prime example of what's wrong with our education system
At the center of the scandal are the Edge College & Career Network, also known as the Key, and a nonprofit organization, the Key Worldwide Foundation, that prosecutors say effectively were a single enterprise. They are accused of helping students cheat on standardized tests, and paying bribes to athletic coaches who could get the students into college using fake athletic credentials.

  • William Rick Singer, owner of the Edge College & Career Network, and chief executive of the Key Worldwide Foundation

  • Steven Masera, an accountant and financial officer for the two entities

  • Mikaela Sanford, an employee who held several roles and is accused of taking classes for high school students
Federal prosecutors accused dozens of parents of paying millions of dollars in bribes to help their children secure spots at prestigious American universities.

  • Gamal Abdelaziz, a senior executive of a resort and casino operator

  • Gregory and Marcia Abbott. Gregory is the founder and chairman of a packaging company for the food and beverage industry, and the former head of a private-label clothing manufacturer

  • Diane Blake, an executive at a retail merchandising firm, and Todd Blake, entrepreneur and investor

  • Jane Buckingham, chief executive of a boutique marketing company

  • Gordon Caplan, a lawyer and a co-chairman of the international law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher

  • I-Hsin “Joey” Chen, a provider of warehousing and related services for the shipping industry

  • Amy and Gregory Colburn. Gregory is a physician.

  • Robert Flaxman, chief executive of a Los Angeles-based real estate development firm

  • Mossimo Giannulli, fashion designer, and Lori Loughlin, actress

  • Elizabeth and Manuel Henriquez. Manuel is the founder, chairman and chief executive of a specialty finance company.

  • Douglas Hodge, former chief executive of Pimco, one of the world’s biggest bond fund managers

  • Felicity Huffman, actress

  • Agustin Huneeus, owner of vineyards in Napa, Calif.

  • Bruce and Davina Isackson. Bruce is the president of a real estate development firm.

  • Michelle Janavs, a former executive of a food manufacturer

  • Elisabeth Kimmel, owner of a media company

  • Marjorie Klapper, co-owner of a jewelry business

  • Toby MacFarlane, a former senior executive at a title insurance company

  • William E. McGlashan Jr., a senior executive at TPG, one of the world’s biggest private equity firms

  • Marci Palatella, chief executive of a liquor distributor

  • Peter Jan “P.J.” Sartorio, a packaged-food entrepreneur

  • Stephen Semprevivo, an executive at an outsourcing company

  • David Sidoo

  • Devin Sloane, founder and chief executive of a drinking water and wastewater systems business

  • John Wilson, founder and chief executive of a private-equity and real estate development firm

  • Homayoun Zadeh, an associate professor of dentistry at U.S.C.

  • Robert Zangrillo, founder and chief executive of a Miami-based venture capital and real estate firm
Athletic coaches from top colleges were also implicated and accused of accepting millions of dollars to help students gain admission.

  • Michael Center, head coach of men’s tennis at University of Texas at Austin

  • Gordon Ernst, former head coach of men’s and women’s tennis at Georgetown

  • William Ferguson, women’s volleyball coach at Wake Forest

  • Donna Heinel, senior associate athletic director at U.S.C.

  • Laura Janke, former assistant coach of women’s soccer at U.S.C.

  • Ali Khosroshahin, former head coach of women’s soccer at U.S.C.

  • Rudolph Meredith, former head coach of women’s soccer at Yale

  • Jorge Salcedo, former head coach of men’s soccer at University of California, Los Angeles

  • John Vandemoer, former sailing coach at Stanford

  • Jovan Vavic, former water polo coach at U.S.C.

Teachers, test administrators and private instructors are named as co-conspirators in the federal charging documents.

  • Igor Dvorskiy, test administrator for the College Board and A.C.T., accused of accepting bribes to facilitate the cheating scheme at the West Hollywood Test Center

  • Niki Williams, assistant teacher at a public high school in Houston and a test administrator for the College Board and A.C.T. who is accused of accepting bribes

  • Mark Riddell, a test proctor accused of tampering with students’ test papers to improve scores, and of secretly taking exams in place of students

  • Martin Fox, president of a private tennis academy and camp in Houston, accused of acting as a middleman for bribe payments
There's a difference between a kid being qualified and getting a boost, and these kids being complete idiots but getting into TOUGH schools by scamming and bribing everyone. They had these kids getting in on the basis of being recruited to the sailing team or crew :lol:. A donor's kid with good grades and competitive SAT score, happens. This is way beyond that. Everyone involved should be ashamed, especially the kids they know theyre dumber than rocks and mommy had to get them into their dream school.
There's a difference between a kid being qualified and getting a boost, and these kids being complete idiots but getting into TOUGH schools by scamming and bribing everyone. They had these kids getting in on the basis of being recruited to the sailing team or crew :lol:. A donor's kid with good grades and competitive SAT score, happens. This is way beyond that. Everyone involved should be ashamed, especially the kids they know theyre dumber than rocks and mommy had to get them into their dream school.
If you was the kid would you take it or not? Cats posting like they’d be like I can’t accpet this lol. I want to know who really would be like nah if they were in the situation.
If you was the kid would you take it or not? Cats posting like they’d be like I can’t accpet this lol. I want to know who really would be like nah if they were in the situation.

I'd probably take it too :lol: but now that I'm exposed as a fraud and a moron, I'd wanna off myself from the embarassment
I'd probably take it too :lol: but now that I'm exposed as a fraud and a moron, I'd wanna off myself from the embarassment
True but most people will never know or care outside of trying to make fun of you. If that’s all you’ll get is the occasional they made it with their parents money compared to all the access/advantages you could potentially get I’d take that deal won’t lie.
True but most people will never know or care outside of trying to make fun of you. If that’s all you’ll get is the occasional they made it with their parents money compared to all the access/advantages you could potentially get I’d take that deal won’t lie.

I guess for me it's wild to be that rich that you can buy your dignity and not even care. Also, I hope to be that rich one day :lol:
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