Honk Honk!

Originally Posted by DJ bana

 poor girl...

 i hope as she gets older she grows into her nose..
C'mon now. Not even tryna be mean but let's be real, there is NO growing into that. I am glad that she looks so happy in the pics tho
Sure, we shouldn't make fun of people, but from cartoons to caricatures to just knowing what looks normal vs. what doesn't, its inevitable that a lot of
people (including me) are going to find this funny or at the very least weird. Even if how bad you feel for her outweighs how funny/weird you think
that her nose looks, the fact of the matter is that you can guarantee that she will face ridicule in life.

I think that if my nose was that big I'd probably get plastic surgery and move to another state and start a new life away from the ridicule (blatant or not) that
is unavoidable. Call me insecure or whatever but I don't think I have the balls to deal with something like that. Everyone has at least one "weird" characteristic
but I mean...

in retrospect it seems like I wrote this in reference to a handicap or something..
I can't imagine life standing out like that..
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