How (And Why) Athletes Go Broke...

I skimmed it. Good read. Real Sports did a segment on NFL players maybe 1.5 years ago.
See: comments during 1999 lockout, Patrick Ewing
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I skimmed it. Good read. Real Sports did a segment on NFL players maybe 1.5 years ago.
Billy Corbin (the director of the U) just did a really good ESPN film on it that I got to catch at Tribeca.

Chapwood Investments is a major component of the film, regarding the work that they are trying to do to help with the issue.
Bad business investments is one of the lesser talked about things of why athletes go broke. I really thought they were
gonna mention athletes just spending about their means in general. There's so many 10th, 11th, 12th man guys in the NBA
spending like they make Lebron money.
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