How do you react to an older person (60+) cutting in front of you in a line?

Jul 18, 2012
It's one of those catch 22's. If you call them out, you look disrespectful. You should let them go ahead of you anyway. They old.

But if you don't say anything, you get that lump in your throat from getting herbed.

How do you react?
Cut right back. I respect my elders, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't respect me.
Age doesn't mean a damn thing to me. If anything a 60 year old has been through life long enough that they should know not to do that due to possible repercussions. I will ask the person why they cut in front of me and hope they hit me first so I can lay them out. I know tough guy laying out a senior citizen. I don't play dammit.
unless i'm in a rush, i pretty much never make a big deal when someone cuts in front of me. there are bigger and better things to worry about in life.
I give them the slide...they've probably seen some things not so nice in 60+ years on this planet so I just let them have that 1 moment.

If it's a group more than 5, then it's a problem.
Most of the time I dont say anything . eh its not that serious. Depends on the situation though. At the grocery store Aight. But at the dmv after standing for an 1hr plus in line. Hell nah .
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This is something that happens regularly to you guys? I think I've only been cut in line like 3 times total since elementary school but all you guys have a standard reaction for not just getting cut, but for getting cut by someone 60+? Strange.
I'd just say politely excuse me the back of line is back there. Being 60 doesn't change how he budded in line
I've never been cut in line before but it would depend on the situation if I'm in a hurry or not.
Yall get cut in front of that much? And why yall saying "No need to fight"? You don't have to fight, just say "Excuse me I was here" 99% of the people will say "oh sorry" and move
hit em with the..

hit em with the longest mean mug possible... idc if the line lasts 3 hrs, ill stoneface them till they leave
I'd say something just to let it be known that I didn't appreciate what they did and wished they would go to the end of the line, but I wouldn't press the issue further if they were stubborn about it.  Not worth fighting over.
Doesn't matter how old you are, you still have to wait in line. If I have a cart full of stuff and you just got a can of beans that's different though. But otherwise, I tell them I was standing there in line, and direct them towards the back. You don't have to go all the way to the back, but you can't cut me. Hopefully, there's some NTers in line who will gladly let them cut so they only have to wait one more turn and get behind me. I do often notice a particularly nationality has a tendency to always try to cut, especially the FOB ones, they just stand off to the side of someone near the front of the line and look around all clueless until the line nudges forward and they try to just step in. Every time.
I'd let it slide. I never argue with people who cut in front of me, if they feel the need to cut in front of me then I like to believe their probably in a hurry anyways so why not let them leave a minute earlier
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