How long have you gone without smashing... vol. It's been a while!

3-4 months

Smashed a ugmugg with a nice body to get over the hump. Made me realize how much I missed being in a relationship.
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17 years going strong. 
Would y'all stop posting the years before you got sexually active, cause that doesn't count :lol:. To actually answer the question, in long distance relationships, I'd go about two months. I'm also a dude that doesn't put himself into position to have sex with just anything that has a pulse. Before last week, it had been two weeks, ain't trippin *shrugs*
Would y'all stop posting the years before you got sexually active, cause that doesn't count :lol:.

seriously. the thread title implies that you have to have "smashed" at least once before you can answer the question...
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My worst streak since high school was ~4 months. Happened a couple years ago. **** SUCKED. Had to call up with fat slump buster (with the wettest of wet P) to kick that funk I was in. Man... I couldn't last more than a couple minutes in her. Her P was always bomb, but I never wanted to be caught dead with her in public. 

I'm sitting at about three weeks right now and it's some BS cause I've actually been kicking it with someone. I was out of town. She was ragging. She went out of town. She been back for a few days and I still haven't hit. I might be getting Tyrone'd 
to the virgins... what's the hold up? 

personal beliefs ... you scared... not that attractive?

not even trying to diss... I'm just wondering 

I lost my virginity when I was 13 I think... the summer before I started HS ... and to be honest, **** was wack.... not all I expected it to be 

I didn't really like sex until the 3rd girl .... 
usually the max is a day.

but thanks to uncle sam and his goons, its been 4 months.

bout to end this tho now that im back.
too embarrassed to say... but its been a minute :smh:

Cant be bad. My boy is at 6 years :wow:

My other friend was like yo you must beat off like everyday. I can't imagine going a year let alone 6

I'm in a nice lil drought right now. By choice though. I ain't got time for the other **** that comes with the box.

6 years though? No way in hell
extremely late bloomer.

kinda goes in waves for me now. usually the longest without is 3-4 months.

Man I thought man booty would be flowing based on our sex drive.

:lol: :lol:

Day 1483 currently in progress

Ever since the day after 'The Decision' :lol: :x :smh:


My ***** done left Cleveland, won 2 rings, lost two rings, and is now training for his return to Cleveland and you still sitting over here with a dry ****. :smh:  :lol:

But forreal though how does one do that. After 4 years, I'd be throwing hail marys, running game on everything with a vagina I saw; big, fat, ugly, old.​

Four years, b?​

blud this ***** meek be havin me crying :lol:

For me a couple weeks maybe. Probably not even that long, that I can remember at least.
starting to feel bad about my 2-3 months drought.

but dudes in here saying years and **** :smh:

damn guys.

grab 1 hunna and smash a thot :lol:
Yo so, I got a big bunda' (in lamens terms, fat chick.) who got some good chochacho, but always wanna go to the bars. I've declined everytime because I'm not about that seen in public life. Just a couple hours ago. She asked me to see "The Purge" with her but I made up a lie and said "I already saw it." She responds with " ohhh, we can see another movie then."

How do I get her to comeover my spot? Pls respond, NT Family.
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