How much has Obama's race and ethnicity played in his successes & failures as President?


Aug 31, 2011
Before we bring up a list of his promises, remember that many of them have to be approved THROUGH congress then signed into action like Gitmo (the committee said, No in 2009 and has ever since).
Just curious.

Its the elephant in the room during GOP debates and dog-whistle politics (Word to Lee Atwater) but I'm wondering if thats just another excuse on his behalf.


Also, to address "blind supporters of the black community," I direct them to the notion of the "black utility heuristic"...basically, Obama and other black leaders can't openly pander to black people as they must address all constituents, so they have to pass laws which indirectly benefit them. Hopefully this makes sense. I suggest looking into it.

Now, i'm not asking because I'm not sure that he does...I REALLY think that he does. I'm not particularly Pro-Obama or anything. I like to call things as I see them and judge each action independently. I just wonder how much or if others feel this way.
A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
Couldn't agree more. I really can't sum up my thoughts any better than this phrase. (beleives looks like a really bad typo even though it's one switch up,
black community is much smaller than the conservative and evangelical christian community that tends to blindly favor his opponents...

So i think its even anyway
if anything i feel like its hurt him. yes he has the support of the black community, but think about how many people in congress (espically the older ones) disagree with him because of his race.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner

You can insert white community and almost any other president.
Presidents get elected on charisma and promises. Obama was no different. 

I dont understand the hate for dude. Of course the economy could be better but history will be kind to him since he hasnt really messed anything up in his first term

I think his 2nsd term he'l go YOLO
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
When did he patronize black people?
it has hurt him alot. Think about it like this, do we really think Congress is going to let a black man be savior and fix everything that is wrong with the country? Never, of course not. Now granted parties come into play, but I feel if you had a white democrat as president, he wouldnt get nearly the resistance Obama does. It wouldnt be super easy to propose and get stuff passed, but it'd be easier.

Him being black and charismatic may have helped him win the office, but it's not helping him in the way of being a better president.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
When did he patronize black people?

‘Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,’ he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted.‘Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.’Stuff like that not to mention when he was on the campaign trail he stopped in Beaumont and said we have got to stop feeding our kids reheated fried chicken in the morning .i find that patronizing
I think a little bit of both but definitely hurt him more than its helped him. Shame that race still plays a huge part in politics.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
When did he patronize black people?

‘Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,’ he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted.‘Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.’Stuff like that not to mention when he was on the campaign trail he stopped in Beaumont and said we have got to stop feeding our kids reheated fried chicken in the morning .i find that patronizing
i'ma need some type of evidence for that, the media would have definitely exploited that 
Has it hurt him at least a little, I would assume so with certain circles.  However, the larger problem was with the lack of knowledge of Washington politics and how to "get things done".  Early on he would appoint people to take on the issues while he stood back and officiate.  Case in point, having Pelosi & Reed tell him what to do with Health Care reform & the economic advisers drafting the Stimulus package.  Neither of which he knew the details of before supporting it.  There was a virtual super majority in both houses in which little got done other than the HCR despite the promises of the campaign.  In addition, many of his speeches said it was his way or the highway because that's what the people voted for.  Well, whether that was true or not, the voters disagreed with the results 2 years later.

Had he had at least 2 more terms as a Senator, I'm sure his administrative skills would have been a lot better in managing certain situations since he would have been able to build better personal relationships with the people he would be negotiating legislation with.
Originally Posted by sdsolecollector23

Alot.....some of my black friends have pictures of Obama in there living room next to MLK pictures
This. And my friends on facebook post dumbest things about the president being black. This whole presidential race is bringing out the worst in people. I have found out some of my Caucasian friends are like junior Klan members, and my black friends dont know a thing about whats going on in our country. Bottom line Obama's race has hurt him more so than helped in my eyes.  

Dude is well-spoken, intelligent, and handsome (pause). All things that George W. Bush wasn't (not trying to judge another man's looks but it does matter and W. Bush is a goofy dude IMO). Those things alone gave him a good shot. And they're still helping him now.

On top of that he is (1/2) black, which obviously drove blacks and youths to the voting booths on top of those who would vote for him based on his charisma and policies.

I like Obama. I'm not going to vote for him becuase I'm not going to vote for anyone. I don't feel it matters much.

George W. Bush was the dumbest POTUS ever.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

sdsolecollector23 wrote:

Alot.....some of my black friends have pictures of Obama in there living room next to MLK pictures
This. And my friends on facebook post dumbest things about the president being black. This whole presidential race is bringing out the worst in people. I have found out some of my Caucasian friends are like junior Klan members, and my black friends dont know a thing about whats going on in our country. Bottom line Obama's race has hurt him more so than helped in my eyes.  


This is why i de-activated my FB a few months ago and never looked back
*$%* got me so frustrated
People forget we're all Americans. Yeah, you. You continue to stay in this country, you are an American. America is not defined by a color or race, despite what you want to think. We have black, brown, yellow, red, white, etc. people here.

Black people who support him strictly because he's black are just as wrong as the white people who don't support him strictly because he's black.

I recently had an argument with a friend who said I was racist strictly because I don't agree with Obama on a number of his policies and things he's done, and he immediately pegged me as a racist. Why? I didn't agree with a ton of stuff W. did and I wasn't a racist then. Mind you, I'm neither black or white.

As long as people continue to define themselves first and foremost by their skin color, this problem isn't going anywhere.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

A huge degree the black community worships this guy and beleives he does no wrong when he barely even addresses them and when he does it's usually in a patronizing manner
When did he patronize black people?

‘Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,’ he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. ‘Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.’ Stuff like that not to mention when he was on the campaign trail he stopped in Beaumont and said we have got to stop feeding our kids reheated fried chicken in the morning .i find that patronizing



Originally Posted by sdsolecollector23

Alot.....some of my black friends have pictures of Obama in there living room next to MLK pictures

...okay, and?

the first black president has no business being on a wall with MLK?


you mad.
How much bearing does a 'president' have on the actual situation? Within an old, rotting political infrastructure Obama has little ability to effect 'change'...

Barack the man> 'President' Barack
It's all a scheme. Obama was put as president for minorities to gain back trust in "America." Success or failure doesn't matter when everything is planned out already.
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