How popular was Iron Man before the movie?

Feb 28, 2008
Just curious, i saw the movie and thought it was good and went on Box Office Mojo to see how much its made. I was surprised to see that with the exception ofthe Spider-Man franchise (and its about to pass X-Men 3) Iron Man has made more than all the other recent comic book movies. He just didnt seem like that big acharacter to me, i remember he had a cartoon in the 90s on UPN but i dont think it lasted that long
Don't think he was that big among casual comic book fans but he will probably be much more popular to everybody now.
Not very much outside of the traditional Marvel fanbase. He's one of their big guns but so is Green Arrow in the DC side and when's the last time youheard him mentioned by a non-comic fan?
I'm sure 40% of children know who he is, or at least have heard of him.
As for fanbase? He's got one, just not HUGE like spidey/x-men/superman/batman.
I think the movie did well because of it's "woo badass superhero suit" appeal.
for me not all, i never heard of it before the movie commercials. even then i would forget what character it was.
Never was a fan of him before the movie, feel the same after watching the movie.

IMO, The Centurions > Iron Man

And I do have to agree, he's the perfect comic hero for kids who don't read comic books. Guy has a bunch of cool weapons and wears a kick-$%+ suit.Even as a kid, I probably would have liked him more than Batman.

Still, Stark was probably one of the pimpest superheroes.

Personally, I had never heard of him.

But I probably know 7 comic book characters.

Maybe 8.
Never heard of him before the movie, but I loved the movie and I think I'll be looking into him a little bit more. The movie was executed fantastically,and I'm hoping for a sequel.
Iron Man wasn't popular among the general population, because he didn't have a great a following like the majors (Spiderman, Superman, Batman, X-Men,etc). But among folks who have actually read the comics Iron Man ranks is on the list of the greatest superheroes of all time.
Are yall being serious when you say you never heard of him or do you mean you didnt follow him? Like i still cant name any of his villains, same goes for theHulk(besides abomination), and Fantastic 4(besides Dr Doom).
wow people never heard of him? I'll be honest I knew of him because of the cartoons that I grew up watching...It use to be that cartoon with the FantasticFour coming on afterwards on sunday mornings.
If you followed comics I think he was always an important character.

If you didn't he's always somewhere in the background or mentioned. He was on Marvel vs. Capcom, Ghost Face killah and Raekwon mentioned him in theirlyrics. Target had shirts for boys of him.

Whenever I order Jamba, or get a table reserved I go under the name Tony Stark. I always say Tom Celic would have made a perfect Iron Man

Out of a possible 100%.... 100 being spider man/superman/wolverine and 10 being Daredevil/Elektra/ Hellboy.................... before the movie was made Ironman is a 70% in my book

But I'll tell you what, come Halloween every elementary kid is going to be iron man. And every Douche bag Business guy is going to be Tony Stark.
Among the general population, he was known but not followed. Among comic book fans, he's always been a major player but never really featured as he hasbeen post-Civil War. It's like in wrestling when one guy gets a huge push -- that is what's happening to Iron Man now.
I don't know about other folks in the thread who said they'd never heard of him (or other folks who in general who said the same), but me? When I saidI had never heard of him before the movie, what I meant was... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... I had never, ever heard of him. Ever. Had no idea who he was. I thought maybe even my wife had heard of him, so when we first saw the firstpreview, I asked her 'Who's that?' Needless to say, she didn't know, either.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Iron Man is that dude. Maybe because I'm a big Comic Book nerd that's all.

CO FREAKING SIGN!...eff Spider Man... Iron Man would destroy him
i was a fan after using him on Marvel vs. Capcom on the Sega Dreamcast
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