how some of ya can't get yambs & this guy got 4 female guards pregnant in da same jail?

I'm not discussing if you can live with 40-50K, nor am I discussing the underlying reasons for undertaking underpaid occupations.

But I understand your perspective and agree with it. Wealth used to be a strong motivator in life for me, the reason I got up and went to sleep. But as part of the maturation process, it has dropped in the standings. I believe good relationships, self-expression, and honesty with oneself are far more important for obtaining the quality of life I truly desire.
naw i know what you mean, everybody expects a job in there intrest level that pays them what they thing is a fair salary for their contribution, but when reality sets in they just want to be stress free and comfortable . expectations + disappointment = reality  
While 50k is a cool salary (depending on where you live and your education level) CO is an awful gig. Most of us spend our entire life to stay out of prison. People pay lawyers 200/hour to stay out of jail. No way im going to go there for 40-50 hrs a week for $50-100 grand a year. Just isn't enough for me to work in hell on earth. I would need a lot of money. I'd rather take less money and enjoy showing up to work. I guarantee none of these CO's enjoy their job. They have to hate it

And this is coming from someone who visits inmates for like 5 hours a week at my job, so I'm fairly familiar w/ the inside of jails/prisons.
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50K will get you by. I know cats in NYC who make that much and still need roomates. life is rough
50k is by no means BALLING anywhere, but it's certainly enough to survive from and I think that's what was meant by "getting paid" Especially since it's a job where only a high school diploma is needed. Many teachers make less and are able to live comfortably... of course its not much in a place like NYC, but they probably get paid more than 50k for that same job in NYC
I've said before, but NT has the largest number of future 1%'ers of any message board on the net. You gotta remember this when discussing finances.
^Really it's just the South in general. Some 350K home in LA/NY could be under 125K and under in Texas. Same style and the same type of area and everything.
when I'm watching these house buying shows, I'm just like 

.  You're basically living in a shack for 125 compared to what that will get you out here...
for 350 here you can shoot a hype williams video in one of these joints

maaaaaan for real :rofl:
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