no you dont, Africans dont have the same stereotypes at all, most people think you guys come from huts in the sub-saharan and are all poor and ashy
no shots because i dont generalize, but i know the generalizations

Strange cause everytime I'm in the club with fellow Africans I see this... :rofl:

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Strange cause everytime I'm in the club with fellow Africans I see this... :rofl:

Yea Nigerians tend to overdress for everything. Most Nigerians I know here are pretty wealthy or at least "look it", makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong? .:smh: Oh yea, go to med school they said, it'll be fun they said, you'll get a mansion, a yacht and 2 white women. None of that is true.
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these chinese kids got mad stacks on deck

paying tutors out the bazoo for high school kids and even copping them r8's and such

the college girls are ridiculous whipping lambos and maseratis and GTR's :x

Saw an asian foreign student yesterdan whippin a yellow on black cayman :x
"If I ever get a porsche, it will not be a cayman"- Dom Kennedy. 
im sayin tho, cayman and boxsters are jokes

why do asians get all the cool stereotypes doe? (small wewe doesnt trump having a smart/hardworking successful rep)
i'm african, we got best of both worlds :pimp:
no you dont, Africans dont have the same stereotypes at all, most people think you guys come from huts in the sub-saharan and are all poor and ashy

no shots because i dont generalize, but i know the generalizations


nobody looks at africans kindly. but africans.

I'm african american and we dont even like yall. hahahaha jk, i think you're a stand up guy.
if your stereotype of Africans in the US is "poor and ashy" that's a pretty clear sign that you've never been in any institution of higher education. :lol:

because if you had, you would know that we run ****

we're in the nfl/nba AND we're up in harvard too :pimp:
Does anyone on NT go to an Ivy League school?
*raises hand*
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^^Yea Nigerians are "overrepresented" in Ivys, med school, law school and Engineering. If I were "African Americans" I'd be mad too. I think someone wrote an article in Harvard news paper complaining about it. :\
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no you dont, Africans dont have the same stereotypes at all, most people think you guys come from huts in the sub-saharan and are all poor and ashy
no shots because i dont generalize, but i know the generalizations

Strange cause everytime I'm in the club with fellow Africans I see this... :rofl:

That's what's up, but Africans definitely do not have a baller stereotype, you guys aren't presumed rich or successful
them cats is wack.
i don't mess with them Nigerian dudes. they believe their superior to every African American they meet.

You're acting like every other group of people don't believe they are superior to every African American they meet. I don't share these sentiments, but African Americans seem to be singling out one group for having this attitude toward them. Nigerians can be a very prideful people it's very off-putting even for me, but you can say the same about Koreans, Chinese, Russian immigrants etc.
these chinese kids got mad stacks on deck

paying tutors out the bazoo for high school kids and even copping them r8's and such

the college girls are ridiculous whipping lambos and maseratis and GTR's :x

Saw an asian foreign student yesterdan whippin a yellow on black cayman :x
"If I ever get a porsche, it will not be a cayman"- Dom Kennedy. 
im sayin tho, cayman and boxsters are jokes

why do asians get all the cool stereotypes doe? (small wewe doesnt trump having a smart/hardworking successful rep)
i'm african, we got best of both worlds :pimp:
no you dont, Africans dont have the same stereotypes at all, most people think you guys come from huts in the sub-saharan and are all poor and ashy

no shots because i dont generalize, but i know the generalizations


nobody looks at africans kindly. but africans.

I'm african american and we dont even like yall. hahahaha jk, i think you're a stand up guy.
if your stereotype of Africans in the US is "poor and ashy" that's a pretty clear sign that you've never been in any institution of higher education. :lol:

because if you had, you would know that we run ****

we're in the nfl/nba AND we're up in harvard too :pimp:
Does anyone on NT go to an Ivy League school?
*raises hand*
That's awesome, but that is the stereotype for the general pop, in all seriousness your article and opinions don't really hold up, it's not like I'm saying all of you are poor and dumb, but the stereotype is that you guys are poor, be honest, what is the black American stereotype? Would you say it applies to all blacks you've met? I can find thousands of cases that contradict black American stereotypes, that doesn't mean all of a sudden blacks are perceived as rich and smart by the general public
seems like Africans fall either into the poor/ashy stereotype or the insane baller stereotype... one or the other no in between :lol:
seems like Africans fall either into the poor/ashy stereotype or the insane baller stereotype... one or the other no in between :lol:

To give some perspective...

Because generally, you'll have:

1. African's who move over to America/UK looking for a good education and a better life (in which sometimes they take their knowledge gained and go back home and build). These are mainly the low key humble folk that most of you are thinking of.

2. African's who's parents or family are involved in politics/military/business (sometimes all three), and they have insane amounts of USD (often a lot of it, off the books). You must also take into account that living that baller life in Africa is EXTREMELY expensive compared to the US. A good club in Lagos or Luanda can cost you 100-200USD a night (per person) just to get in the door. In Luanda, there's a place to grab a burger for 200USD per person. My boy goes quite often for work, and tells me an average night with him and lady breaks down like this 100+-USD for dinner, 200USD for entrance, then pending on how comfortable you're feeling however much for drinks that night. So basically you've spent about 300USD before you've had a single drink in the club. So when they come to Atlanta, and hear it's maybe 20 to get into Luckie Lounge, and 100 a bottle of Veuve you get the imagery I posted above.

So now, keeping in mind the cost of ballin out in African countries, imagine how much cheaper it feels to them in places like Houston, Atlanta, London, and NY.
You're acting like every other group of people don't believe they are superior to every African American they meet. I don't share these sentiments, but African Americans seem to be singling out one group for having this attitude toward them. Nigerians can be a very prideful people it's very off-putting even for me, but you can say the same about Koreans, Chinese, Russian immigrants etc.

Well I interact with them more any other minority so its coming from personal experince. I always show them respect but they still have an atittude. So again I dont mess with them nigerian cats.
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In LA, africans are definitely not getting any play.. the dirty ashy stereotype is prevelent.

And if you even have a hint of an accent.....:smh:

Well I interact with them more any other minority so its coming from personal experince. I always show them respect but they still have an atittude. So again I dont mess with them nigerian cats.

Sorry to hear that, do you work in a hospital or go to a top 10 school? I'm tryna figure out a situation where you work with that many Nigerians that you don't mess with them. :lol: Maybe you need to stop interacting with them so much but you seem to not have a choice.
Sorry to hear that, do you work in a hospital or go to a top 10 school? I'm tryna figure out a situation where you work with that many Nigerians that you don't mess with them. :lol: Maybe you need to stop interacting with them so much but you seem to not have a choice.

I both go to college with a bunch of them and i also work with quite a few.

But i do want to smash this one Nigerian chick BADLY soooo i might have to tolerate it till i get some at them cheeks
Those people got played. If they had given all the money directly to Harvard the kids would have probably gotten in. Harvard lets in legacies with sub 3.0 gpa every year
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