Hurricane harvey....texas nters stay safe

Hurricane Harvey + Flooding + Looting + Curfew (and limited employees) = Every Houston Grocery Store looks like a Supreme Release

Man i gotta figure out wich way im gonna get home from work. Im in stafford and gotta get to spring branch. Not trying to mess with 610 at all.
There's an hour wait for gas here in Dallas. And I'm about to be on E.


I heard people talking about how bad it was in Dallas and I didn't think Austin was affected. Wrong. Not an hour wait, but lines are longer than normal. I went to the station across the street and saw two pumps in the trash can, no clue why. I tried two different pumps, both shooting blanks :smh: never experienced that in my life.
Texas needs to keep an eye out for another possible tropical storm mid next week.
I was pretty prepared and don't live in an area of Houston partial to flooding other than streets. I've been holed up for a few days(finally went out for food other than some Ramen yesterday)I'm trying to save any gas or water I have, but if this thing MIGHT even be heading our way I'M GONE... we can't handle another one this soon. Hope all fellow Htown Nters stayed safe.
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