Husband kills himself After Rumors That His Wife Hooked Up With DiCaprio, Grenier

Commiting suicide is actually harder than facing your problems... whatever they may be...

The problem is that your perception makes it appear to be the easier route.... therefore you move in that direction.
No, I wasn't coward, that's the point I decided to face my problems like aman...and realized they weren't worth it and I could get through it. I didn't go through with, decided that Niketalk needed me more.

You do know suicide attempt means you attempted to kill yourself right? Which is cowardly according to you
Last edited: now committing suicide is brave? Yea I said I started to, so I was a coward but then I put my big boy pants on and dealt with my, now trivial, problems. I've been there, I've felt that low, no matter how superficial the reason, so I'm not talking out my *** when I say nothing is ever that bad.

Like, y'all feel for those millionaires that jumped out of buildings because they lost money? Regardless of the families they left behind? That is what bravery is? Y'all don't even believe that.

At some point people are arguing just to argue. If your seriously telling me the act of jumping off a building, or taking a bunch of pills or pulling a trigger...if you're telling me those are brave acts, unless they are to save another, then we're to far apart on the issue and not worth the energy. now committing suicide is brave? Yea I said I started to, so I was a coward but then I put my big boy pants on and dealt with my, now trivial, problems. I've been there, I've felt that low, no matter how superficial the reason, so I'm not talking out my *** when I say nothing is ever that bad.

Like, y'all feel for those millionaires that jumped out of buildings because they lost money? Regardless of the families they left behind? That is what bravery is? Y'all don't even believe that.

At some point people are arguing just to argue. If your seriously telling me the act of jumping off a building, or taking a bunch of pills or pulling a trigger...if you're telling me those are brave acts, unless they are to save another, then we're to far apart on the issue and not worth the energy.
Literally no one said that.  "Harder than facing your problems"=/="brave".
Yea I said I started to, so I was a coward but then I put my big boy pants on and dealt with my, now trivial, problems. I've been there, I've felt that low, no matter how superficial the reason, so I'm not talking out my *** when I say nothing is ever that bad.

So you think you're less of a coward because you didn't die? Interesting, there's levels to cowardice.
No rest in peace..,dudes a coward and straight seven days. Frankly I'm tired of love for suicide victims. I won't say it's selfish but I will never tell em to rest in peace...had two dudes off themselves, they were seven day individuals before hand. Didn't eem want to help em, if drugs, alcohol and hookers can't get you feeling well, then I gots nothing.

I hope Leo smashes day of the funeral.
You are in the running for biggest cornball on Niketalk. I hope you realize that.

I hope someone smashes YOUR significant other on the day of YOUR funeral
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She's a ****.

The fact that she probably married the guy in the first place was probably his pockets.

Now she's looking for a bigger payday by letting celebs dig her out.

There was a reason why they both didn't have a kid. She knew what she was doing....
i mean lol

"i hope leo smashes day of the funeral"

does bring him over the top for sure..........

so that takes away from his message when he throws in those off the wall comments for statement or shock ionno
This dude air max is a reptile for real, just cold blooded
People still haven't learned season 4 Huey's m.o. huh
I thought people would have gotten the message to scroll past his paragraphs of nonsense already. He's basically beta-Silly Putty.
@Peep Game, what buddy is doing is disrespectful to Season 4 Huey. 
she said they were getting or going through a divorce, she had no loyalty to him. Unfortunately whatever he was dealing with personally, the reality that his ex was getting dug out by celebs was the straw that broke the camel's back

Must've really hurt to see his soon to be ex-wife getting passed around by celebrities.
Katie Cleary -- the "Deal or No Deal" model whose husband committed suicide Sunday -- was so thirsty for fame she schemed to become a cast member on "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" ... a move that helped drive her husband to financial ruin ... sources close to the couple tell TMZ.

Our sources say Katie was demanding with hubby Andrew Stern, imploring him to help her penetrate the walls of Hollywood celebrity.  Her big plan was to join RHOBH and she executed it by latching on to Taylor Armstrong -- once a star on the show -- and her husband Russell.

We're told Katie dragged Andrew to dinners, parties and other events where the Housewives hung, but her plan didn't work.  Instead her play created a big problem, because Andrew got involved in Russell's investments and lost a bundle.   

Andrew hit rock bottom financially and we're told that contributed to his downward spiral that ended Sunday when he shot himself in the head at a firing range.

And one other eerie note ... Russell and his business partner, Alan Schram, both committed suicide.

On the brighter side he doesnt hafta deal with that fame hungry ***** anymore. Silver linings, gentlemen. Silver linings.
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Sadly it's like that. These manipulative females are scumbags but most the time the warning signs are there but the guy ignores it because the girl looks good.

If your the breadwinner, you should be the one in control making all the decisions, not being manipulated.

Regarding the stuff about his suicide, I personally feel suicide is a selfish way out. Yeah your problems are gone, but what about the pain and suffering you caused your relatives and loved ones, especially those who do it that have kids. Mental issues are real though and they can't be overlooked.
Everyone agreeing with Nike are just as bad imo. Not about the suicide thing but death and being revered. It's natural human sympathy. As people we understand that when we die we no longer get to experience this wonderful thing called life and people may slowly forget about you.

That's why we naturally feel bad for dead people of any sort, generally speaking.

Pretty simple concept and it is a natural human thought/emotion.

But go fake deep with ol buddy.

I don't respect suicide either but something pushed dude to be amongst the forgotten and that makes me feel bad sincerely.
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