I Am Dying

Weed don’t do that..
Well I don’t do anything else so
In this instance it does
This was what I had
Has it ever occurred to you that you’re dying? In each passing moment you grow closer to dying from the natural cause called “age” if you’re lucky.

There are unfortunate insistence’s that speeds up the process for some such as cancer, murder, drowning, john cena, suicide, aids, etc, but ultimately you’re going to die anyway because of age. We are literally waiting to die.

Honestly, I think age should be considered a disease.
:smh: thought you were really dying op.

John Cena? :lol: :smh:

Basically, imo, when you hit your thirties and you start feeling little pains, bones and joints start to get heavy, feel little tired standing, mood changes, etc.
These are little signs the body is changing and it isnt living at the same rate you were living, doing or existing at in your younger years.

Its sad to see actual people die. My own and only sister passed from Cancer. I wasn't there to see her final moment, but all the signs of death were what the doctors were telling my family. Its not easy to take that pain.
:smh: thought you were really dying op.

John Cena? :lol: :smh:

Basically, imo, when you hit your thirties and you start feeling little pains, bones and joints start to get heavy, feel little tired standing, mood changes, etc.
These are little signs the body is changing and it isnt living at the same rate you were living, doing or existing at in your younger years.

Its sad to see actual people die. My own and only sister passed from Cancer. I wasn't there to see her final moment, but all the signs of death were what the doctors were telling my family. Its not easy to take that pain.
my condolences for the lost of ur sister. also, the john cena mention is a wrestling reference :lol:
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare

did you eat the whole box at once? Do you have a tolerance?

What did they do at the hospital for you?
Nah just 1 piece
And I don’t smoke or anything
Was leftover from my bday trip
With just me and my wife the week prior
Wife said I went through 4 iv’s at the hospital
My discharge papers said THC overdose
Nah just 1 piece
And I don’t smoke or anything
Was leftover from my bday trip
With just me and my wife the week prior
Wife said I went through 4 iv’s at the hospital
My discharge papers said THC overdose

damn that’s wild. I’d have to guess those got ****** up somewhere along they way like way stronger or something than they should have been. No way 25mg should have had you like that.

sue them and get another hemi? :lol:
How can you OD on edibles y’all dudes charmin soft

I took 10+ 325 mg jonts and I was fine
Hungry and sleepy af but I was chillin
never ate so much in my life
Nah just 1 piece
And I don’t smoke or anything
Was leftover from my bday trip
With just me and my wife the week prior
Wife said I went through 4 iv’s at the hospital
My discharge papers said THC overdose
With your experience do u think thc should be regulated like xannies n stuff like it? I’m guessing when the stuff becomes legal nationally your experience will be shared at at epidemic rates in the beginning.
I mean obviously the edibles were ****** up.

even if he ate all 100 mg he’s not gonna be unresponsive and his wife thinks he’s dying.
Nah just 1 piece
And I don’t smoke or anything
Was leftover from my bday trip
With just me and my wife the week prior
Wife said I went through 4 iv’s at the hospital
My discharge papers said THC overdose
I00mg of thc to a guy whos about 200+ lbs doesn't sound like it will have you in the hospital bed. Probably something like overconsumption of alcohol and consuming that edible must have did you in.
Lmao this man was zooted & thought he was dying.

You just were really high. You clearly didn’t need to go to the hospital. Just needed to drink some water & goto sleep.

I wish I could get a high like that. It’s honestly super dope to be able to open your brain up & think stuff like that if you can handle it. Last time I got hit like that was from 250MG edible.
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