I Can't Sleep, Halp!!!!!

Jul 29, 2005
Like some NT'ers I have trouble falling asleep even with the lights out and no electronics on around me. Some of us have more trouble falling asleep than others. NT, for those of you that have a hard time falling asleep within minutes, what methods do you use? Sometimes I just count numbers in my head really fast until I lose my place and go to sleep. I vary it, sometimes counting to 1K, and some nights I just count to 10 repeatedly until I doze off. What methods do y'all use?
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I have insomnia and take prescription sleeping meds so I'm not too sure how the various methods I tried before sleeping pills would work on you.

A while back I followed breathing therapy with my physiologist to help recover my lungs from a surgery. It's very relaxing, kind of like meditation.

You can do it at home without any assistance of course, I taught it to my mom and she sleeps in quite a bit faster and it has also reduced her snoring significantly. I can't explain the whole regime in text but I'm sure you can find a good amount of information about breathing therapy online and see how it works for your sleep.

If you have a severe sleeping issue, I'd advise you to try literally every natural form of sleep aids before even thinking about prescription meds.

Melatonin is pretty effective in helping people with mild sleeping in issues. It is a natural hormone that your body releases when the body thinks it's time to go to sleep. You can buy melatonin tablets from 1 to 3mg freely without any prescription and take them when you're about to go to sleep.

Melatonin is commonly used for jet lag, because it can make your body think that it's time to sleep regardless of when you take it, giving you some degree of influence over your circadian rhythm. This makes it very useful in getting back to a consistent sleeping schedule if it has been irregular.

If various forms of relaxation/meditation techniques don't work, I would advise reading a book or melatonin and see how that helps you sleep in
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Makes you sleepy after

For me running a fan (just the sound alone helps me knock out)

Man u aint never lie. Ive had to have a fan on since I was a kid or I couldn't sleep a wink. And it has to be one of those Honeywell joints because the sound knocks me out.
Beer, food, or fap.

Last resort: I close my eyes and dart them around for a while while I lay in bed.  It sounds really weird, but it seems to work for me.
Exercise, a shower, and A/C or a fan on does it for me.

There's something about going from hot to cold that makes me sleepy, especially over summer.
heres what i do... drink zzquil an hour or two before sleeping... get in the most comfortable position and dont move in bed and also just relax as much as possible and try to clear your mind and not think about anything... i do this by just focusing on how comfortable i am then next thing you know im knocked out... yesterday was the first time in a while i couldnt sleep at all because i kept coughing from having a sour throat... it just kept me up all night
SEFS (patent pending)

Smoke, eat, fap, sleep. Hasn't failed me yet. No matter what's on my mind, SEFS method always works.
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although sometimes even this doesn't work :smh:
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Couple beers and a blunt after 10pm.

Try High Gravity Schlitz. You'll be stone cold...

I can't sleep without the air conditioner on, that silence is unbearable.
I just don't sleep. Usually stay up and do stuff until I feel tired and start yawning. Then I go lay down and pass out 

Been having issues sleeping lately.

My mind just starts running when i go to bed. I think of a million things.

will try what i see in the thread.
If its not too late I just wait it out. Eventually I fall asleep. If I really need to get some sleep I take some Nyquil.
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