I got broads in Atlanta vol. think twice on that

No clue why people try to act like gay men(of any race) don't get HIV at a MUCH higher rate than straight men.

It's not homophobia or prejudice, it's just straight facts, you can check the CDC website and verify that.
[h1]Paris Is Burning[/h1]
1990  R  Rated R 71 mins
rated 4.0 stars

Penetrating the tight-knit community of minority drag queens living in New York City, Jennie Livingston's acclaimed documentary offers an early glimpse at the art of "voguing," the underground dance style later popularized by Madonna in her hit song. The film also explores issues such as racism, homophobia and AIDS, while offering a detailed examination of the intricate Ball culture, in which queens are judged for their style and expression.


It's true, but I think a part of the problem is the audience. It's like posting inner city crime news on stormfront, dudes will use it to justify their overall hate instead of approaching it objectively.
No clue why people try to act like gay men(of any race) don't get HIV at a MUCH higher rate than straight men.

It's not homophobia or prejudice, it's just straight facts, you can check the CDC website and verify that.
No clue why people try to act like gay men(of any race) don't get HIV at a MUCH higher rate than straight men.

It's not homophobia or prejudice, it's just straight facts, you can check the CDC website and verify that.

There are reasons as to why this is the case; the problem here is you have folks condemning the community and ignoring to help them.

It's the same principle as minorities in lower income neighborhoods; blaming them for their issues is not exactly helpful or conducive to solving the problems that plague their communities.
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It's true, but I think a part of the problem is the audience. It's like posting inner city crime news on stormfront, dudes will use it to justify their overall hate instead of approaching it objectively.
That's why I approach things objectively. I agree that the homosexual community is more at risk for HIV. And there's a lot of data showing that. But I'm lead to believe that's also because they're getting tested enough for their status to get reported. I still see people associating it as a gay disease and never actually getting themselves checked out while being teamraw.
prestigious though? lol. I didn't know there were levels to this. And that's actually reasonable depending on demographics the clinics serves.

Which brings up another point: How often do straight, sexually active men (single or with a significant other) actually get tested for HIV?
yep we have people come from across the region to get care at the facilities. Working there really opened up my eyes to just how many people are living with this disease.
Chelsea is not, you google searched and went with the 1 neighborhood that fits your mo.

Black and latino men are the face of HIV. A simple search brought up alarming stats about the bronx, harlem and poor neighborhoods in brooklyn like flatbush.

The way homosexuals are viewed by certain cultures seems to exacerbate the problem. The down low phenomena is born out of bigotry and negative sentiments against homosexuals.

Black AND Latino?

:wow: it takes this topic for you to admit to yourself that we are two different groups...I can now sleep at night. :lol:
Chelsea is not, you google searched and went with the 1 neighborhood that fits your mo.

Black and latino men are the face of HIV. A simple search brought up alarming stats about the bronx, harlem and poor neighborhoods in brooklyn like flatbush.

The way homosexuals are viewed by certain cultures seems to exacerbate the problem. The down low phenomena is born out of bigotry and negative sentiments against homosexuals.

Black AND Latino?

:wow: it takes this topic for you to admit to yourself that we are two different groups...I can now sleep at night. :lol:

Pay duke no mind, he still tight Chelsea is a festering HIV cespool of a neighborhood.
Pay duke no mind, he still tight Chelsea is a festering HIV cespool of a neighborhood.

So is Da Bronx and Da Heights, white suburbs don't have this problem. Public health officials aren't up in arms about HIV outbreaks in the Hamptons Mr. Hood. The burden of HIV and STDs are mostly on black hood latinos like yourself.

compared to chelsea? NOPE...they're SIXtimes da city average...
There are reasons as to why this is the case; the problem here is you have folks condemning the community and ignoring to help them.

It's the same principle as minorities in lower income neighborhoods; blaming them for their issues is not exactly helpful or conducive to solving the problems that plague their communities.

I agree. My point wasn't to condemn, but to acknowledge there is in fact a problem. If people refuse to even acknowledge there's an issue that disproportionately effects a certain demographic for the sake of not offending people, nothing gets better. Which it hasn't.
Look at Africa most people who live there with HIV are heterosexual....I mean you could argue that closet homosexuals are spreading it, but the fact remains that most people who have it identify as heterosexuals. In fact most of it spread is through heterosexual intercourse. Just protect yourself.

Blacks and latinos have a higher rate of HIV and other STDs than whites and asians, stop downplaying the racial factor because it makes you uncomfortable.That CDC website shows the overwhelming burden of HIV in the black and latino community, ironically the same community that seems more likely to view homosexuality as taboo.

We're not talking about Africa, fam. Parts of Africa live in extreme poverty and have very little access to contraceptives or sexual health information. Comparing the reason HIV is spreading there to why it is in America is an Apples to Oranges comparison.

Blanatnly ignorning the fact HIV is twice as likely to be spread from one man to another as compared to heterosexuals isn't helping anyone. Yes, everybody needs to wear a condom. But attention needs to be focused on why it's spreading like wildfire in the black, gay community down south and what can be done about it. Again, you can't turn a blind eye because it's something not politically correct to talk about.
You guys are really bickering about a semi-insignificant point...

Yea,the HIV infection rate is prevalent in Gay communities. Well duh. But the rates of infection amoung Blacks and Hispanics are CRAZY high for such a small part of the population. These are facts on facts on facts.

But what should we do to remedy the situation is what you guys should be discussing
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I got no business in Chelsea.. Apparently u roam out there... Be safe :lol:

Even da poorest congressional district in da South BX cleaner than Chelsea :x :smh:
There is a greater number of people living with HIV (prevalence)in Hispanic/Latino communities and Hispanics/

Latinos tend to have sex with partners of the same race/ethnicity. This means that Hispanics/Latinos face a greater risk

of HIV infection.

Some Hispanics/Latinos may avoid seeking testing, counseling, or

treatment if infected because of immigration status, stigma, or fear of discrimination. Traditional gender roles, cultural

norms (“machismo,” which stresses virility for Hispanics/Latino men, and “

marianismo,” which demands purity from Latina women), 
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I believe ninjahood is reptile, scorpion is white.
It's a well know fact.

But I was pointing out from another thread where him Steezy we're adamant about proving Latinas are more open to interracial relations than any other race.

And how they don't discriminate.

All the Latinos were at my throat for keeping it G, on how some New York Latinos get down. 

Not all, but a lot of Latinos carry that discriminatory, insular, offensive and unnecessary  "Latino over everything" mentality.

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Yea ninjahood is full of crap
I mess with Ninja, but as someone pointed out cognitive dissonance runs rampant in his psyche.

He doesn't want to admit certain aspects of his Latino culture is destroying him from the inside.

...Latino women obey and adhere to men, yet the men are the ones bringing HIV into their community.

Where are they getting it from? If they're supposedly only having sex with "pure" Latina women?

...dudes are sleeping with both men and women of other races behind closed doors, and fronting like they aren't.

It's a perpetual cycle of unnecessary stupidity.
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He will probably report me for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if ninjahood was gay.

Aww, man 

Ninja never struck me as a latent homosexual. 

I believe he's straight, but there's no doubt he's a textbook misogynist though. 
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