I gotta say, pet insurance is worth it...

Jul 18, 2012
Within the past 3 years, we put down two of our dogs. Towards the end of their lives, they both had various ailments that pushed their vet bills into the thousands. We decided that if we got another dog, we'd explore getting pet insurance to help offset some of the costs. Long story short, we signed up for Nationwide Pet Insurance about a month after getting our pup back in 2016. You gotta figure that with a young dog, you probably won't have any major medical problems. Well, here we are dealing with our dog recovering from pneumonia (didn't know dogs could get that...but he picked it at doggy daycare about a month ago) and he was close to dying. Bills have approached 5k, but with Nationwide, we get 90% back on everything once we hit the $250 deductible. I mean, we would have paid regardless to have him treated even without the PI, but it helps immensely knowing that you're getting a good chunk of your payment back in your bank account.

Like anything, it's a gamble and it's truly case by case...you might get lucky and not have to use it, but I think it's good to have.

Anyone else have PI?
Damn, 5k in bills from pneumonia? Thats nuts. How much you pay a month?

We pay $72 per month...got their best plan. Covers SO much. Even dental cleaning.

The 5k is crazy....he's had a couple overnights at the emergency vet (prescriptions, etc,) and all in all, there have been 6 vet visits since he was diagnosed about a month ago. He still has one more follow up in a couple of weeks. Hopefully this will be it...
I can't see how you can own a pet and not have insurance.

i seen my boy shed tears talking about his pets that past.
Once my stupid *** left my dog in the car cause they were spraying the house for mites. He had a heat stroke took him to the 24 hr vet and they told me that they weren't sure he was gonna make it. So he stayed overnight for two nights.. I was crying like a baby but he made it. Bill was around 2k
My dog died last year, she had heart worm was gonna cost 2k to try to keep her alive 1 day she wasn't gonna make it...vet bills are expensive
Damn my dog had her anal gland erupt and it cost over $500 just for them to clean her up and do blood work. Come to find out she can't have surgery cause of high liver enzymes so basically the wound had to heal by itself. Surgery would have cost over $1,500. I am definitely consider pet insurance at this point.

People can't understand why pet owners care this much about an animal? Coming home after a hard day's work and you see your dog smiling at you, and just laying next to you... the way they can easily make you smile and be calm... no way I can ever duplicate those emotions with any other human being, drugs or alcohol.
Yea my boy's 7 year old Rott's leg ballooned to twice the size of the other.

Took him to the Vet and they ran tests and couldn't figure out what was causing it.

Long story short after multiple visits they tell him the dog has cancer (didn't eem know dogs can get cancer).

It was either chop his leg off and hope the cancer doesn't spread or put him down.

My boy put the dog down because it was getting really expensive. Racked up thousands of dollars on tests and medication.

If it aint a cat, I'm cool. Pets need too much. Cats can fend for themselves.
People can't understand why pet owners care this much about an animal? Coming home after a hard day's work and you see your dog smiling at you, and just laying next to you... the way they can easily make you smile and be calm... no way I can ever duplicate those emotions with any other human being, drugs or alcohol.

I don't doubt that you love your dog, but I don't think it's fair to say that you wouldn't be able to duplicate those emotions with drugs, unless you take a scientific approach and try out some drugs.

All I'm saying is we know what a dope head will do for their fix. Would you suck a d*** for Sparky?
well said sundoobie sundoobie thats the honest truth. **** im counting down hours now till im home to see him waging his tail soon as the key gets put in the door lol

i actually just made an appt for my dog, sorta scared for this news ill get back once test are all done. He has a lump on back of his right leg which from me reading articles online don't sound good at all. :frown:
It's almost impossible to understand until you get close with one. You eventually begin to view them as little people minus all is the negative traits of humans. They can't lie on you, they can't steal from you, they just want to love you and go outside and smell things.

And YES them mfers can be expensive. The dog I had got an infection on his back and that joint was $300 :smh: and I was struggling at the time too.

I really think this country should have free health care, word to michael moore. It just seems wrong to have to put a price on your body, or that of a loved one.
I may be the minority here but I think the way people love and worship dogs is OD
not to come in tossing pipebombs, but I've always found pet lovers to be very similar to hardcore gamers and fantasy sports enthusiasts.

I'm sure any of the above would speak on how their lifestyle choice offers them a fulfilling escape from the pressures of everyday, a feeling of accomplishment in caring for something and fostering its success, the hours flying by when they're engaged in their passion, the internal satisfaction of an assigned meaning to one's life.

...so why do we mock some and celebrate others? in all cases, the involved are saying that they would rather retreat into non-human contact than foster connections with the people that make up civilization around them because it is easier and yields more consistent, predictable results.

I'm not a member of any of those groups nor do I really have strong feelings toward them unless they're insistent on talking to me at length about their dog/player rank/fantasy sports team, I just find the various default attitudes in society fascinating.

anyway, like I said, not here to hate, I guess as long as everybody has something anchoring them to sanity and happiness it's all good.
The obsession with sports is OD. This country milks it for all its worth too. I'm a huge nba fan but sheesh, it's not that serious in the grand scheme of things. never really thought about comparing them to a pet, but i see where you're coming from. people do get emotionally attached to both. Crying like a baby when they lose a pet or a championship game.
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