I guess it really is all about who you know...

I hated this video as much as the people that type "SWAG" after any dumb phrase or thing they say....
Both terrible and both killing the hiphop culture
Originally Posted by bwrestler15

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

What proof do you have that the only reason people like it is that he's Chris Brown's cousin?

I need proof? Did you listen to the video? *Looks at SN* You probably enjoyed this. You're welcome for the new party song. 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

I think it's time we all hop on this making sucky "music" train, apparently it's not going away.

NT song? 

I will sing the hook 

But contrary to popular belief, OP is not a secret fan. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Its kinda funny that he is on this West Coast tip (after Chris Brown moved out there) knowing that Chris grew up in VA.
Especially since CB ain't even from the populated part of VA. He's from some backcountry, middle of nowhere place.
But half of these clowns rapping ain't even kids, they're like early 20's still making b.s. like this 
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by bwrestler15

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

What proof do you have that the only reason people like it is that he's Chris Brown's cousin?

I need proof? Did you listen to the video? *Looks at SN* You probably enjoyed this. You're welcome for the new party song. 
we're judging people by there SN's now? 
Most NTer's nowadays have %#+% for brains. I ask for proof backing up a pretty outlandish statement and I am accused of loving the song 

Just like how I was in the "Rihanna Ether" thread saying "Rihanna didn't mention anything about the girl's weight, just that her avi was a bad look" and I get accused of white-knighting and posting just so I can get in her pants 

Retrosan, don't quote me ever again, otherwise they'll find out about our steamy homosexual tryst that we've kept secret for so long. 

I'm convinced people on this board are decreasing in intelligence.
real life...

whats funny is... that before the cat daddy was popular a thread like this was made.... and before jerking was popular there was a thread like this...

not saying i liked the song but dammit this song might become popular... smh...
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