I HATE TRAFFIC COPS!!! Vol. @&$@"@&&@@")//

The thing most people know, is that it costs the state more money to issue tickets than what they get out of them. And quotas are illegal. 90% of traffic cops' job is to make sure that people follow the rules by just being around. Nobody is a perfect driver and most people commit traffic violations all the time and they play on the fact that people know that.
The thing most people know, is that it costs the state more money to issue tickets than what they get out of them. And quotas are illegal. 90% of traffic cops' job is to make sure that people follow the rules by just being around. Nobody is a perfect driver and most people commit traffic violations all the time and they play on the fact that people know that.

I don't think so.

Randolph, Mo., is a tiny town with a common problem: money is tight.

To keep afloat, the Kansas City outpost apparently did what many little towns on big highways do. It came to rely on passing motorists filling its municipal coffers one traffic ticket at a time.

Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal...hat-lived-off-speeding-tickets/#ixzz2HnLq7Mgy
Warnings basically mean, "I ran your liscense and I can't arrest you so I'm gonna let you go"
so...why does the cop care if you have a clean record , if he just saw you go over the speed limit, or not stop at a stop sign........

that cannot be the definition of a warning...even loosely ....
This one time I got pulled over and ticketed for supposedly going 10 miles over speed limit. Pissed beyond belief bc everyone else around me was driving faster while I slowed down. I had just got into an accident that wasn't my fault three days before and the woman didn't give two ***** and I couldn't catch a break.
This one time I got pulled over and ticketed for supposedly going 10 miles over speed limit. Pissed beyond belief bc everyone else around me was driving faster while I slowed down. I had just got into an accident that wasn't my fault three days before and the woman didn't give two ***** and I couldn't catch a break.
If this was all true, I would try to fight it man. Good luck
I want to but I really cannot take of work to do it. With the money I'd lose by driving there, and taking off that day, I'd be losing money, not to mention if I have to pay it after doing all that. They got me with this one :smh:

Dirty mother @"&$/&@
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Warnings basically mean, "I ran your liscense and I can't arrest you so I'm gonna let you go"
Not necessarily. I've been in the wrong a few times. Admitted my wrong to the officer, and got off with a warning.
They weren't bike cops tho, right?

I'm 0/2 when dealing with bike cops and 3/3 when dealing with cops in patrol cars (2 of them were CHP).
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he got that two-for-one.
oinks got quotas
Other day I saw a cop *SPEED PAST ME* so he could catch up to someone doing 35 in a 25.

I live in the suburbs and most of these guys come across as semi-******ed (|)'s with personality disorders.
Although it's frustrating to be caught by a traffic cop, these are the same regulations that are keeping our roads less like China and India. People need to have a fear of punishment to follow the rules correctly.
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