I just got kicked out of this girls crib by her 5'4 male roommate....DF????

nah , its his crib man..you did the right thing....next time tell ol girl to let him know you comin over//
It made sense to leave no matter what their living arrangement is...you had liquor in you and that would have led to a big problem.
you shoulda pissed in his J's on the way out......

but, you didn't take the L for leaving, its best that you did, cause they obviously have some issues to sort out, and you ain't Dr. Phil.
You did the right thing. Regardless of someone's physical disposition, the last thing you want to do is start trouble in someone's home.

...Dude is probably smashing, or not. The fact of the matter is, he's digging her one way or the other.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

This was definitely a domestic situation, and as a man...you never get involved in anyone's domestic situation.
You made the right decision.
Next road game, have her come through the hotel suite instead.
Exactly what I was thinking,
@ people talking tough likethey would have done something, lies.
He got tight cause he has feelings for her and she don't give a !%%! about dude.

You should've just taken her to a telly, I'm sure she would've been down.

Always next time.
OP avoided some drama, you dd the right thing and i agree with the theory that the other dude most likely had a past with homegirl.

On another note, some of yall got me dyin with the feet thing. Reminds me of the Eddie Murphy movie where he wont smash unless the feet are right.
Never thought I'd log onto NT to see something that involved me being posted. So after you leave you go online to complain about it? If you had a problemwhy didn't you say %#%@? Listen to the people saying it was none of your business because it isn't. I stood there with the light off..really? You gotjokes but its all good. She said she invited you over because she was bored just so you know
Btw when you left we smashed. Twice.

- "Guy with the baby momma"

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Never thought I'd log onto NT to see something that involved me being posted. So after you leave you go online to complain about it? If you had a problem why didn't you say %#%@? Listen to the people saying it was none of your business because it isn't. I stood there with the light off..really? You got jokes but its all good. She said she invited you over because she was bored just so you know
Btw when you left we smashed. Twice.

- "Guy with the baby momma"


awww %!%... its about to get hot in here. cue the mj gif.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Never thought I'd log onto NT to see something that involved me being posted. So after you leave you go online to complain about it? If you had a problem why didn't you say %#%@? Listen to the people saying it was none of your business because it isn't. I stood there with the light off..really? You got jokes but its all good. She said she invited you over because she was bored just so you know
Btw when you left we smashed. Twice.

- "Guy with the baby momma"


oohhh snap..

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Never thought I'd log onto NT to see something that involved me being posted. So after you leave you go online to complain about it? If you had a problem why didn't you say %#%@? Listen to the people saying it was none of your business because it isn't. I stood there with the light off..really? You got jokes but its all good. She said she invited you over because she was bored just so you know
Btw when you left we smashed. Twice.

- "Guy with the baby momma"


i was going throug this thread and i was thinking ok so so thread so far funny but ill keep browseing ... lol but as soon as i read this im like holdeverything stop reverse !$#% is bout to be popping!!!!
lets do this hahaha OP where you at lol
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Never thought I'd log onto NT to see something that involved me being posted. So after you leave you go online to complain about it? If you had a problem why didn't you say %#%@? Listen to the people saying it was none of your business because it isn't. I stood there with the light off..really? You got jokes but its all good. She said she invited you over because she was bored just so you know
Btw when you left we smashed. Twice.

- "Guy with the baby momma"



:cues Mj popcorn gif:


i hope this aint no ducktales from Mangudai

At the end of the day, u lose player. The fact that she invited a dude over and he brought liquior is case closed. she told you she got bored and invitedanother dude over.

So hopefully your not wifing her.
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