I need to pick a movie that's had a large cultural impact... 6-8 page paper

Jan 5, 2003
The paper isn't due for another two weeks, but I want to make sure I pick a movie that will give me enough content to go for 6+ pages.

Due date: Monday, Nov. 9[sup]th[/sup]

Write a 6-8 page critical analysis of a film that has had a significant cultural impact in the United States or around the world.

In this paper, you should be arguing something about the film's significance or exploration of meaningful ideas. A critical analysis should carefully discuss one or more important aspects of the film and thoughtfully consider how those aspects communicate meaning. Consider the ways in which this film connects with contemporary audiences. What do the plot, characters, narrative strategies, or themes (for example) do for the film, and how do they affect the overall message that the film conveys? What about the film has made it so resonant with contemporary audiences, and how does the film continue to affect cultures?

So far I've thought of:

Star Wars
The Matrix
Do the Right Thing
Schindler's List
American History X
A Clockwork Orange
One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest
I also was thinking of doing a Vietnam movie, maybe Full Metal Jacket?

Do you guys have any suggestions? I feel like I'm forgetting some big ones.
Saving Ryans Private

Spoiler [+]
On the real, this is a tough assignment, I hate doing papers like this, goodluck.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Saving Ryans Private
war films are the easiest and most logical choice imo.

you can even do Borat and talk about how the humor is used in a self-reflexive manner to highlight the antisemitism in the world (first movie i saw goingthrough my dvd collection).

dark knight - terrorism, anarchy, corrupt gov't

fight club - masculinity, materialistic needs, identity conflict

just some thoughts. gluck.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

you can even do Borat and talk about how the humor is used in a self-reflexive manner to highlight the antisemitism in the world (first movie i saw going through my dvd collection).

Dude that's a great idea... the response was huge and it exposed American prejudice.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

you can even do Borat and talk about how the humor is used in a self-reflexive manner to highlight the antisemitism in the world (first movie i saw going through my dvd collection).

Dude that's a great idea... the response was huge and it exposed American prejudice.

if you do use it, just remember to mention that it's shot in mockumentary form and that sasha cohen is in fact jewish himself.
Honestly, looking at the requirements, I'd say Crash. It's fairly recent, 2005, and explores modern American society and race.
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