I propose a new SPOILER rule for media in NT's Terms and Rules.

Oct 8, 2002
I've been noticing there's been a little discordance with spoilers when it comes to movies, TV shows and/video games. I suggest we add a time frame for when the 'spoiler box' should be used in NT's Terms and Rules.

Shows/Episodes: 24 hours. For example X-Men 97 drops 12 am Wednesday morning, the spoiler box should be used for plot based discussions until 12 am Thursday morning. After that its whatever.
Movies: 7-9 days. Im think 9 days will give the people who want do see a movie but not on opening weekend enough time to see the movie and view NT without having to worry about getting slapped in the face with a spoiler casually browsing NT.

Now this is where it gets tricky. Im open to critcisms and suggestions

Video games: A month/4 weeks/28 days-ish. My logic is the average gamer plays around 12 hours a week.*The average AAA game's single player campaign is 10-12 hours. Open world games clock in around 40 hours**. For the sake of convivence we'll go the longest time frame, making it roughly a little over 3 weeks for most to 'complete'(as in finish the main campaign/story line, not "Platinum completion"). Throw another week in there because we're mostly all grown and life be lifin'. So for the first month or so from release all plot, secrets and easter eggs have to be spoiler'd.

What do you guys think?

* **https://www.thenationalnews.com/art...Triple A games from,hours in open world games.
What's considered a spoiler?

Mentioning a episode at all..

I was the first to talk about the newest episode.. (X men 97)

Was it a spoiler?
What's considered a spoiler?

Mentioning a episode at all..

I was the first to talk about the newest episode.. (X men 97)

Was it a spoiler?

Not a spoiler: “Man that episode was wild..”

Spoiler: “Man that was wild when Sally killed Harry.”

Tbh I haven’t been in the thread yet. I personally don’t have a problem avoiding spoilers for the most part but I have noticed on a community level it keeps popping up. This has actually been on my mind since TLOU2 dropped and it was asked can you really spoil a 12 year old game even though the remaster just came out.
Not a spoiler: “Man that episode was wild..”

Spoiler: “Man that was wild when Sally killed Harry.”

Tbh I haven’t been in the thread yet. I personally don’t have a problem avoiding spoilers for the most part but I have noticed on a community level it keeps popping up. This has actually been on my mind since TLOU2 dropped and it was asked can you really spoil a 12 year old game even though the remaster just came out.
What about my avy?

Is that a spoiler?
What about my avy?

Is that a spoiler?
I will never forgive that fat midgett POS that spoiled Jon Snow's death moments after the last game of the NBA Finals ended.

EYE memba this.

Talking about a big spoiler in a show thread is one thing, bringing IT up in a random thread that has nothing to do with the show is foul. :lol: :smh:
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