I Thought Dolphins Were Smart? Why would they do this?

Jun 21, 2009
Sorry can't upload the video on Niketalk, need you guys to go thru the process of copy and pasting 

Took place in Brazil, thankfully they're were people there to save them.

Don't Understand, why would Doplhin's put themselves in this position? They're suppose to be smarter than this. 
they are smarter than us, they're preparing to take over land as well. that was just their first attempt to walk on land. Congratulations we live to fight another day.
These oceanic (deep water)  dolphins beached themselves at Arraial do Cabo, Brazil after being injured by a violent earthquake along the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. They were suffering barosinusitis. The injury destroyed their sense of direction and their ability to dive and feed themselves.
Read more: http://www.deafwhale.com/...razil_dolphins_march.htm
Good people. Glad they helped out the dolphins 

Son @ 1:18 got all types of ready and said, "buck some swimmin trunks. this is a job for the speedo" 
You ever notice at the beach theres either people with normal to fit bodies or people who's so fat it doesnt matter
I would venture to guess something like a Killer Whale chased them into shallow water. Or they could have been hunting a large school of fish and ventured into shallow water.
I learned from that movie "The Cove", good watch btw, that loud noise trips out the Dolphins.
They were drinking that Koolaid.

Lol at the one dude stripping his already short shorts down to his speedo before he jumped into help.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

Looks like they were scared and running away from something

yeah i second that. we probably should be worried about what would cause them to do this rather than call them stupid. 
WitnessMyCalm21 wrote
Good people. Glad they helped out the dolphins 

Son @ 1:18 got all types of ready and said, "buck some swimmin trunks. this is a job for the speedo

 I know, right?! 
Props to the cameraman for deftly panning away.  
cool thing they did.  That Guns n Roses Estranged video has forever creeped me out on dolphin though...
I heard somewhere that sometimes nearby subs from military can send out pulses loud enough to drive marine animals crazy to a point where they do things like this
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