I want to brag....sppeeeeeed test


lets get it
Took it twice, wondering why my download speeds were worse than other Comcast users:
Test 1


Test 2

i have no idea how im hitting .9 mb/s though, i can watch bang bros in 720p with little to no problem
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

i hit 10 mb/s on the closest server...tried alaska, hawaii, and some european server and i'm hitting 3-7.

are these accurate?  why have i never been able to top 1.5 mb/s when i'm downloading from hosting sites?  it was the same way when i used to do torrents.
probably because they capped their data

$50 a month.....It was a special.  im paying for 16 down and 1 up, but they just upgraded the speeds for free to 20 down and 2 up.
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