I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

honestly they shouldn't be accepting who they are they should be striving to improve who they are.

The appearance reeks of laziness, odors, and no effort.

Whether that effort comes through diet, exercise it's not there. Millions of people eat junk everyday without turning obese. Is it because they're naturally better? If so, so what. Some folks are naturally smart, don't study and retain tons of knowledge for tests at school. Other's bust their *** and struggle. You can't complain you just gotta continue to work. I commend bigger people at the gym working their *** off to improve

you can't improve your race, height, these are all natural.

It's like no one is ever hungry anymore. (accidental pun) Everyone's content cause there's no longer a first place. We just give everyone a prize for participating and tell them great job for no reason other than because they are a breathing.
JC Is just an assumption, never really see Meth getting involved so hard in discussions, not even sex or race related...my dude is taking no prisoners in this debate...but you are definitely rightz
Oh, this one?  Really?  This one's always funny to me.  Why do you think free speech means speech free from consequences?  Does this little flow chart seem right to you?  Don Imus makes racist statements on air -> listeners boycott station -> Imus loses show  -> Free speech rights denied -> Nazism?  Nobody's sending you to Gitmo for making sexist jokes.  There are, however, social consequences to such behavior.  That's not in any way a violation of your speech rights.

Discrimination is not speech.  That's a separate issue.  (And one you're apparently privileged enough not to care about.  Lucky you.)  

Nobody's said that the guy in this video should be sent to PRISON because he thinks obesity is "repulsive."  People have an unfavorable opinion about his unfavorable opinion.  Isn't that their right? 

I've provided other examples, like killing off the disabled or infants with birth defects.  There are obviously less extreme and mocking examples to be cited here, but such a ridiculous "philosophy" isn't deserving of it.  

Again, have fun in your gated fortress colony where you're free to discriminate on the basis of race, class, gender, etc.  Just don't ask me to visit.  It's gonna make the RNC look like a Benetton ad.    

That's not what I said.  I said they'd be able to create organizations that could actively DISCRIMINATE against you.  And hey, depending on your working definition of obesity, that might actually place you in the minority.  What an interesting experience that would be for you.

There's nothing "magical" about it.  This is a society.  That means we have a lot of different people living together.  I'm willing to make certain accommodations for others because we're all sharing the same space.  That's sort of the social contract.

The whole adolescent "you can't tell me what to do, DAD" mentality isn't the world's most perfect expression of Adam Smith's sacrosanct "invisible hand."  

I'd rather chew glass than have this conversation with another college sophomore.

I already addressed it.  My point was that the original post didn't even bother to actually examine the NAAFA's stated goals.  It was just assumed that it existed to promote obesity (or "mediocrity," as he put it.)  An actual look at the site challenges that.  

They aren't sending out newsletters with advice like "brush your teeth with milkshakes."  At WORST, what they're suggesting is that 1) you don't have to hate yourself if you're overweight and 2) healthy bodies can come in different sizes.  Those BASTARDS.

People gain weight for many different reasons, and environmental factors can and do play a major role in many, many cases.  If the goal of the organization is to promote understanding among those who aren't obese and support, if nothing else, positive MENTAL health for those who are, I don't see what's so terrible about that.

The grand irony in all of this is that anyone who champions individual freedom above all else should be the first one to support someone's "right" to put gobs of corn syrup in children's vitamins or buy Big Gulps that come with free diabetes.  

It's pretty sad, then, that there's so much controversy over something so simple as treating people heavier than you with civility.  

Careful, they're gonna call y'all "cheerleaders" now.   

Oh, so Nazism is just about free speech? I guess 6 million Jews died because someone made fun of them, huh? So no, the flow chart doesn't seem right. At all.

Yes, people are free to have opinions about the guy in the video. Not sure I ever claimed otherwise.

Are you claiming to know my body fat percentage?

Look at the instances of discrimination that show up in history. How many are due to "utility" arguments? How many are due to "moral" arguments? (Blacks are inferior, being gay is wrong, being Jewish is wrong, Asians are inferior, etc. etc.). Maybe my "gated fortress" isn't so bad after all.

Actually I never mentioned Adam Smith or the "invisible hand", and it's not even really applicable in the context, so I'm not sure why you're bringing it up. Citing random economic principles or philosophical doctrines doesn't really make your argument any stronger when they're unrelated to the topic at hand.

So one conversation is worth your time, but two is worse than chewing rocks? That's a terribly behaved utility function you've got. And I apologize for being college sophomore; I guess that makes me immature, right? I guess I'll have to wait until I'm 20 years older and I've managed an online sneaker website to be able to talk about obesity, right? :rolleyes

I certainly agree that people have the "right" to buy a Big Gulp. I never claimed otherwise. I just said that if you make that choice, you knowingly make yourself vulnerable to being potentially judged by others.

No, at worst the website contains a patronizing motto and promotes a mindset of acceptance for all overweight people. That's not the same as what you typed out.

Why do You care so much about this?
Posts like this are why the cheerleader comments are thrown out there. I can't disagree with anything that Meth is saying, although I do find it absurd to compare the plight of fat people to that of individuals who are persecuted for their race. Not hiring someone because they are fat or smoke cigarettes is in no way similar to refusing employment over race. Anyone has the capacity to quit smoking or lose weight, nobody can change their race, nor should it ever be necessary.
His weight isn't even relevant to the conversation. I don't have to be Jewish to stand up for the rights of Jewish people to practice their religion anymore than he has to be fat to defend fat people.
Well I guess as an admin of the website, he probably has the "right" to openly insult its members...or something along those lines.
Posts like this are why the cheerleader comments are thrown out there. I can't disagree with anything that Meth is saying, although I do find it absurd to compare the plight of fat people to that of individuals who are persecuted for their race. Not hiring someone because they are fat or smoke cigarettes is in no way similar to refusing employment over race. Anyone has the capacity to quit smoking or lose weight, nobody can change their race, nor should it ever be necessary.
His weight isn't even relevant to the conversation. I don't have to be Jewish to stand up for the rights of Jewish people to practice their religion anymore than he has to be fat to defend fat people.
Well I guess as an admin of the website, he probably has the "right" to openly insult its members...or something along those lines.

That is generally how the internet works, yes. We aren't paying to keep the site up and there isn't a membership fee. I have had disagreements with Meth on here but he always seems fair. He engaged in a discussion with you and didn't ban you.

This gun b good....

Is it sad that im afraid to pick a side in this argument? :lol:

When was the last time Meth banned someone for disagreeing with him?
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honestly they shouldn't be accepting who they are they should be striving to improve who they are.

The appearance reeks of laziness, odors, and no effort.

Whether that effort comes through diet, exercise it's not there. Millions of people eat junk everyday without turning obese. Is it because they're naturally better? If so, so what. Some folks are naturally smart, don't study and retain tons of knowledge for tests at school. Other's bust their *** and struggle. You can't complain you just gotta continue to work. I commend bigger people at the gym working their *** off to improve

you can't improve your race, height, these are all natural.

It's like no one is ever hungry anymore. (accidental pun) Everyone's content cause there's no longer a first place. We just give everyone a prize for participating and tell them great job for no reason other than because they are a breathing.

There is a difference between not liking the look of fat people/ thinking they should diet/ thinking they need to work out/ disagreeing with their lifestyle choice


discriminating against them.

Overweight and Obese people get passed up for jobs all the time just because of their weight, that's wrong plain and simple

-And another thing, society can't shame overweight people to "get their act together". People like Club are the ones who mock then he sees overweight people power walking, who laugh at the overweight girl struggling on the treadmill, who laugh at the dude struggling to lift just the bar. Help or Shut the hell up. But don't act like you are superior to them just because your thin.

-The other problem with society is that errbody wants props for being average. Being in shape is nothing, it is what you suppose to be, it is like getting a C- in a class and bragging about how all the people that failed disgust you.
I have never in my life been more into a back and forth on NT :lol:

I guess I'll have to wait until I'm 20 years older and I've managed an online sneaker website to be able to talk about obesity, right?

honestly they shouldn't be accepting who they are they should be striving to improve who they are.

The appearance reeks of laziness, odors, and no effort.

Whether that effort comes through diet, exercise it's not there. Millions of people eat junk everyday without turning obese. Is it because they're naturally better? If so, so what. Some folks are naturally smart, don't study and retain tons of knowledge for tests at school. Other's bust their *** and struggle. You can't complain you just gotta continue to work. I commend bigger people at the gym working their *** off to improve

you can't improve your race, height, these are all natural.

It's like no one is ever hungry anymore. (accidental pun) Everyone's content cause there's no longer a first place. We just give everyone a prize for participating and tell them great job for no reason other than because they are a breathing.

There is a difference between not liking the look of fat people/ thinking they should diet/ thinking they need to work out/ disagreeing with their lifestyle choice


discriminating against them.

Overweight and Obese people get passed up for jobs all the time just because of their weight, that's wrong plain and simple

-And another thing, society can't shame overweight people to "get their act together". People like Club are the ones who mock then he sees overweight people power walking, who laugh at the overweight girl struggling on the treadmill, who laugh at the dude struggling to lift just the bar. Help or Shut the hell up. But don't act like you are superior to them just because your thin.

-The other problem with society is that errbody wants props for being average. Being in shape is nothing, it is what you suppose to be, it is like getting a C- in a class and bragging about how all the people that failed disgust you.

Depends on the job. If you owned a restaurant, would you be willing to completely renovate your kitchen so that a 400lb woman can fit in the back to cook? Should the government force you to do that? Should airlines be forced to widen the aisles on their planes so that they can hire an obese flight attendant who can't fit? Would you want a 400lb woman, who breaks a sweat getting off the couch, to be the firefighter who goes in your burning home to save your 3 year old son from death?
That is generally how the internet works, yes. We aren't paying to keep the site up and there isn't a membership fee. I have had disagreements with Meth on here but he always seems fair. He engaged in a discussion with you and didn't ban you.
When was the last time Meth banned someone for disagreeing with him?
True, he didn't ban me. I guess I just didn't expect him to throw subtle insults at me in every post when all I did in my first reply in this thread was to discuss the matter in a civil and respectful manner.

I expected better from someone who's supposed to be all about "treating people with compassion and dignity, regardless of their actions/opinions".
That is generally how the internet works, yes. We aren't paying to keep the site up and there isn't a membership fee. I have had disagreements with Meth on here but he always seems fair. He engaged in a discussion with you and didn't ban you.
When was the last time Meth banned someone for disagreeing with him?
True, he didn't ban me. I guess I just didn't expect him to throw subtle insults at me in every post when all I did in my first reply in this thread was to discuss the matter in a civil and respectful manner.

I expected better from someone who's supposed to be all about "treating people with compassion and dignity, regardless of their actions/opinions".

honestly they shouldn't be accepting who they are they should be striving to improve who they are.

The appearance reeks of laziness, odors, and no effort.

Whether that effort comes through diet, exercise it's not there. Millions of people eat junk everyday without turning obese. Is it because they're naturally better? If so, so what. Some folks are naturally smart, don't study and retain tons of knowledge for tests at school. Other's bust their *** and struggle. You can't complain you just gotta continue to work. I commend bigger people at the gym working their *** off to improve

you can't improve your race, height, these are all natural.

It's like no one is ever hungry anymore. (accidental pun) Everyone's content cause there's no longer a first place. We just give everyone a prize for participating and tell them great job for no reason other than because they are a breathing.

There is a difference between not liking the look of fat people/ thinking they should diet/ thinking they need to work out/ disagreeing with their lifestyle choice


discriminating against them.

Overweight and Obese people get passed up for jobs all the time just because of their weight, that's wrong plain and simple

-And another thing, society can't shame overweight people to "get their act together". People like Club are the ones who mock then he sees overweight people power walking, who laugh at the overweight girl struggling on the treadmill, who laugh at the dude struggling to lift just the bar. Help or Shut the hell up. But don't act like you are superior to them just because your thin.

-The other problem with society is that errbody wants props for being average. Being in shape is nothing, it is what you suppose to be, it is like getting a C- in a class and bragging about how all the people that failed disgust you.

Depends on the job. If you owned a restaurant, would you be willing to completely renovate your kitchen so that a 400lb woman can fit in the back to cook? Should the government force you to do that? Should airlines be forced to widen the aisles on their planes so that they can hire an obese flight attendant who can't fit? Would you want a 400lb woman, who breaks a sweat getting off the couch, to be the firefighter who goes in your burning home to save your 3 year old son from death?

Your are talking about jobs where physical requirements. A 400lb woman wouldn't be able to pass the physical test to be a firefighter. If they can't fit down the aisle or kitchen, then they can't do the job. There is nothing wrong with not hiring someone who can't do a job. You can deny hiring a disabled person if you can prove they can't perform the job.

I'm talking about regular ole desk jobs. Where the heaviest lifting will be picking up the phone. Capable obese people get passed for those types of jobs all the damn time. It is sicken and unfair
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Your are talking about jobs where physical requirements. A 400lb woman wouldn't be able to pass the physical test to be a firefighter. If they can't fit down the aisle or kitchen, then they can't do the job. There is nothing wrong with not hiring someone who can't do a job. You can deny hiring a disabled person if you can prove they can't perform the job.

I'm talking about regular ole desk jobs. Where the heaviest lifting will be picking up the phone. Capable obese people get passed for those types of jobs all the damn time. It is sicken and unfair

Like someone said before fat resembles laziness and sloth

Even if it wasn't the case that's the reality of it.

Why are people advised about not getting tattoos or piercings in certain areas? Does this stop people from getting tattoos and piercings? Certainly not

And yeah, I'm talking "regular ol' desk jobs"
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honestly they shouldn't be accepting who they are they should be striving to improve who they are.

The appearance reeks of laziness, odors, and no effort.

Whether that effort comes through diet, exercise it's not there. Millions of people eat junk everyday without turning obese. Is it because they're naturally better? If so, so what. Some folks are naturally smart, don't study and retain tons of knowledge for tests at school. Other's bust their *** and struggle. You can't complain you just gotta continue to work. I commend bigger people at the gym working their *** off to improve

you can't improve your race, height, these are all natural.

It's like no one is ever hungry anymore. (accidental pun) Everyone's content cause there's no longer a first place. We just give everyone a prize for participating and tell them great job for no reason other than because they are a breathing.

There is a difference between not liking the look of fat people/ thinking they should diet/ thinking they need to work out/ disagreeing with their lifestyle choice


discriminating against them.

Overweight and Obese people get passed up for jobs all the time just because of their weight, that's wrong plain and simple

-And another thing, society can't shame overweight people to "get their act together". People like Club are the ones who mock then he sees overweight people power walking, who laugh at the overweight girl struggling on the treadmill, who laugh at the dude struggling to lift just the bar. Help or Shut the hell up. But don't act like you are superior to them just because your thin.

-The other problem with society is that errbody wants props for being average. Being in shape is nothing, it is what you suppose to be, it is like getting a C- in a class and bragging about how all the people that failed disgust you.

Depends on the job. If you owned a restaurant, would you be willing to completely renovate your kitchen so that a 400lb woman can fit in the back to cook? Should the government force you to do that? Should airlines be forced to widen the aisles on their planes so that they can hire an obese flight attendant who can't fit? Would you want a 400lb woman, who breaks a sweat getting off the couch, to be the firefighter who goes in your burning home to save your 3 year old son from death?

Your are talking about jobs where physical requirements. A 400lb woman wouldn't be able to pass the physical test to be a firefighter. If they can't fit down the aisle or kitchen, then they can't do the job. There is nothing wrong with not hiring someone who can't do a job. You can deny hiring a disabled person if you can prove they can't perform the job.

I'm talking about regular ole desk jobs. Where the heaviest lifting will be picking up the phone. Capable obese people get passed for those types of jobs all the damn time. It is sicken and unfair

So fat people can only work at desk jobs where they aren't involved in heavy lifting? We are talking about discrimination here. If you don't hire them because they can't fit in the kitchen, then you are discriminating against them because of their weight. Therein lies the absurdity of comparing their plight to a racial or sexual struggle. Should I be required to hire someone as a customer service rep who has a tattoo on their forehead that says a curse word? What about people with multiple facial piercings? Maybe their parents had tattoos and piercings and they were raised to have them too and they think that it is normal. The difference is that you are responsible for your weight, you are not responsible for your race or sexual preference (some people will argue that one.)
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Son are ya serious!?...when the hell was the last time ya saw a 400lbs person desperately looking for a job?...these people are sitting at home collecting a dissability check because they barely can't support themselves in LARGE PART BUT NOT LIMITED to gluttony and laziness.
Son are ya serious!?...when the hell was the last time ya saw a 400lbs person desperately looking for a job?...these people are sitting at home collecting a dissability check because they barely can't support themselves in LARGE PART BUT NOT LIMITED to gluttony and laziness.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
this will rustle some jimmies tho :nerd:
Ya making no damb sense calling out discrimination in the workforce towards the extremely obese :lol:
Son are ya serious!?...when the hell was the last time ya saw a 400lbs person desperately looking for a job?...these people are sitting at home collecting a dissability check because they barely can't support themselves in LARGE PART BUT NOT LIMITED to gluttony and laziness.

Where does that disability check come from?

You're only reading what you want to see

Your example is so *** backwards. Maneuvering the work area is an essential part of the job for a waiter/waitress. If someone is too big to do so, then they can't do part of the effectively, then by all means don't hire them. That's not discrimination. Now if the overweight person could move around the work area, and is the most qualified person. If you don't hire them because they are fat, and only because they are fat, then yes.

I used regular ole desk job because that was an example I saw first hand. When I was at Capital One they needed a accountant/analyst, they put out a posting, dude sends his resume with all kinds of experienced, (Two BA, Two MAs), CPA and CFA, and all kinds of specialized skills. I was an intern so most of it was over my head. They skipped him the first two rounds of interviews, had his office already set up for him and I overhead my manager being told the highest number the could offer homeboy, it was like around $160,000. Homeboy comes in for the interview, he is huge, talking like 500 plus. My manager loves him, he says the interveiw went great. The VP that was the second interveiwer strangely is not as excited as the day before when he was making me hook up dudes workstation. Never saw him again, manager tells me months later than VP killed the deal and would never answer why. That's ******g discrimination
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Where does that disability check come from?

Well the way it works, is...

A doctor renders them unfit to work due to whatever dissabilitating disease caused by their obesity, then the government has no other choice but to support them, provide tem with healthcare and all...when is the last time you seen a 400lbs homeless man?
Son are ya serious!?...when the hell was the last time ya saw a 400lbs person desperately looking for a job?...these people are sitting at home collecting a dissability check because they barely can't support themselves in LARGE PART BUT NOT LIMITED to gluttony and laziness.
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You're only reading what you want to see

Your example is so *** backwards. Maneuvering the work area is an essential part of the job for a waiter/waitress. If someone is too big to do so, then they can't do part of the effectively, then by all means don't hire them. That's not discrimination. Now if the overweight person could move around the work area, and is the most qualified person. If you don't hire them because they are fat, and only because they are fat, then yes.

I used regular ole desk job because that was an example I saw first hand. When I was at Capital One they needed a accountant/analyst, they put out a posting, dude sends his resume with all kinds of experienced, (Two BA, Two MAs), CPA and CFA, and all kinds of specialized skills. I was an intern so most of it was over my head. They skipped him the first two rounds of interviews, had his office already set up for him and I overhead my manager being told the highest number the could offer homeboy, it was like around $160,000. Homeboy comes in for the interview, he is huge, talking like 500 plus. Never saw him again. That's ******g discrimination

An overweight person is not going to be as mobile or swift as a fit individual.Maybe the office chairs that they use can only bear up to 300lbs? Is that a valid reason not to hire him? Maybe they didn't want to hire someone who is willfully endangering their health in a way that could potentially cost them hundreds of thousands in disability or insurance? Your example is exactly the same as mine. I guarantee that the manager never told you that he didn't hire the guy only because he is fat.
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Yo Shut **** up :lol:

You are Ninja are unlike is one important way. Use your narrow set of experiences to make judgments about the entire world

The 400lb woman was homeboy's example, not mine, and there are probably tons of obese people that contribute way more to society than you.

And the government doesn't just give out disability because you're fat.

Brah I wasn't talking to you....

Anyways the government doesn't hand out disability checks because you are fat, but if a doctor says you can't work and labels you disabled you will get a check.
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I'd rather chew glass than have this conversation with another college sophomore..

meth........ im making that a tshirt
"Underdog, put that on a t-shirt!"
After Club and Power got exposed I would think dude would be smarter than post in a thread Meth is active in 
Like I didn't already catch his last seven self-repping clone accounts?  

I think you're overestimating some of these guys.  Ever see that Simpsons episode where Bart keeps reaching for the electrified cupcake?  
Actually I never mentioned Adam Smith or the "invisible hand", and it's not even really applicable in the context, so I'm not sure why you're bringing it up. Citing random economic principles or philosophical doctrines doesn't really make your argument any stronger when they're unrelated to the topic at hand.
Basic game theory assumes that people only care about themselves, yet somehow, by some mysterious and magical process, they end up being interested in the choices of other people. Funny how that works, isn't it?
And... wait for it... 

"every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command.  It is his own advantage, indeed, and not that of society, which he has in view.  But the study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily, leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to society."   "By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was not part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it."  

I'm surprised you haven't covered that yet.  Well, stick with it.  It's another limited conclusion that's been grossly extrapolated to justify "greed is good."  You'll love it.
Look at the instances of discrimination that show up in history. How many are due to "utility" arguments? How many are due to "moral" arguments? (Blacks are inferior, being gay is wrong, being Jewish is wrong, Asians are inferior, etc. etc.). Maybe my "gated fortress" isn't so bad after all.
Really?  "Blacks are inferior" was a moral issue?  So, your philosophy class never covered Aristotle and the concept of the "natural slave," I take it?  

Valladolid debate?  No?   

You understand that eugenics was a "utility argument", correct? 

Yeah, see this is why I'm not doing this with you.  

By the way, Hitler scapegoated Jewish citizens largely (though not exclusively) for economic reasons.  He sought to end what he saw as a "conspiratorial" Jewish dominance of the media and the economy.  If you see Nazism as uniquely or predominantly moral/religious and are oblivious to its interpretations (or misinterpretations) of Darwinism and Nietzschean philosophy (e.g. the "will to power"), then I find your position simplistic beyond belief.

Again, this is why I don't want to have this conversation.  It's venturing off on a worthless tangent because you've become infatuated with something you just picked up and now believe it explains everything
And I apologize for being college sophomore; I guess that makes me immature, right? 
Seriously, I even got the year right?  

The term "sophomoric" is so named for a reason.  
 I can't disagree with anything that Meth is saying, although I do find it absurd to compare the plight of fat people to that of individuals who are persecuted for their race.
You're not taking those statements in the proper context.  Nobody's saying that it's the same.  There's just been some sidetracking by individuals who seem to feel that ALL employment discrimination is somehow justifiable, because morality is, like, an illusion, dude.
Should I be required to hire someone as a customer service rep who has a tattoo on their forehead that says a curse word?
Now you're acting like everyone with a weight problem just walked into a cosmetic surgeon's office one day and said, "give me the Louie Anderson." 

I refuse to downplay the environmental factors that lead to obesity just to stroke my own ego and feel superior.  I didn't choose to be thin.  I've made choices that keep me in shape, sure, but I'll readily grant that momentum was on my side.  

Why assume that everyone's experience is identical to yours?  That's like  George W. Bush saying, "oh, you didn't get into Yale?  Well, uh, maybe you just should've worked harder - like I did."
Would I get da banz if I inquire about Meth's weight?...

He done went Extremis IronMan mode on dudes bashing overweight citizens.
I'm not posting pictures.  My privacy is very important to me.  Some of my previous posts, particularly those about diet or fitness, could give you a clue - but it's irrelevant here.  I've posted quite a bit over the years on the issue of gay rights for example.  I find the whole "oh, he thinks LGBT people are human beings, that means he's GAAAAAAYYY" stuff infantile.

I've stated that I don't know what it's like to be heavy to situate my opinion, not because I'm so insecure that I'm desperate to ensure that nobody thinks I'm "a big dude."  

JC Is just an assumption, never really see Meth getting involved so hard in discussions, not even sex or race related...
Seriously?  Where've you been?  Oh, yeah... ISS.  

It's cool.  My post history is publicly accessible.  If you don't always go into the same threads I do, that wouldn't shock me. 
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